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"cassidy i dont like this.." ariel whined.
"oh come on! this will make such a cool squad picture," i laughed. i slightly tripped on a twig.
we were walking down to the tracks. i got my phone out and checked the time. 12:34.
it was claires idea to go down here. they are right behind our house and they're perfect to just stroll around. everyone was staying at my house, ariel, claire, sophie and lauren. weve been friends since 6th grade when we were all in homeroom together.
"are you sure this is safe??" ariel asked.
"yeah. me and cody come back here all the time,"
cody was my brother. he was in 9th grade, two years younger than us. we finally got through the small woods and dumbed onto the tracks. i got my phone flashlight out so that we wouldnt trip. the five of us walked to the side of the tracks, the actual train tracks were too small for all of us to walk on then at once.
i turned my flash off and go to snapchat. i turned front flash on and got all the girls together for a selfie. it was really cute. i added it to my story and turned my flash back off.
"can we go back?" ariel whispered to me.
"the end is just up here" i pointed i. front of us.
"no.. theres someone behind us," she very faintly whispered.
my eyes popped out of my head.
"guys walk faster," i whispered to all of us. "theres someone behind us"
we definitely picked up the pace.
"who would be following us tho?" lauren whispered.
"some creep" claire answered. i just shook my head. i could see the road right ahead. road where cars go over.
what happened next all happened in a flash.
the first gun shot hit the mount of dirt by me and ariel.
we ran. as fast as we could.
the second bullet hit the track itself, making and awful noise.
i wasnt quite sure where the third went.
we ran. we got to the road and ran down it. my neighbor hood was just ahead.
we had no clue that one of us wasnt running with us anymore.
a/n: awe shit

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