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"cas do you want anything?" my mom yelled.
"no im fine," i yelled back.
"cas you havent ate anything all day! its nearly 4'o'clock!"
i cant eat. how can i eat. my best friend is dead and its all my fault.
"come down here and eat a bagel at least! they're your favorite,"
i huffed and threw my comforter off.
i forced myself out of bed and downstairs.
"i wont be able to eat it," i mutter as my mom shoved a bagel at me.
i picked at it for a moment and then took a bit and forced it down. i did the same with a few more bites.
"you know you have dance today," she sighed at me.
"cant i skip?" i whined.
"im afraid not. youve been locked up in that room for ages now i want you to get out. sophie will be there!"
"ugh fine!!"
i said and walked back upstairs.
"i want you ready by 6!" she hollered.
i layed back down and got cuddled up again. dance is the last thing i need right now.
i put on a sports bra, a tank top and some black spandex.
"ready?" mom called.
"yeah" i finished putting things in my bag and headed down stairs.
"oh sweety smile! i know your sad and all but im sure ariel would want you to be happy!"
i sighed and headed outside.
ariel dances with us.. at least she used too.
i got into the car and waited for her too get in. the drive was long and silent.
"oh cassy im so happy to see you!!" sophie said and ran up to me and hugged me.
"how have you been? i know ive been a complete wreck," she said, not letting go.
"ive been ok," i said after she finally let go and force a smile.
she gave a Sympathic look and walked away.
i went into the locker rooms and strechted, and put my things in my locker.
after i was all stretched, i went out to the ballroom.
"are you alright?" mrs. smith asked.
"im fine," i lied and went over to the bars and began warming up.
"ok well im always here if you need anything," she said warmly. it was true. mrs. smith has been a family friend of ours for years. ive always been open to her home.
we went over my solo and then the group dance.
"excellent work all of you," mrs. smith told us.
"however, as you may have noticed we do not have a member with us here today. ariel johnson was an extraordinary young woman and her fate was very, very tragic.."
i broke into tears. now the whole dance studio was missing a person and it was my fault.
"we are going to have a moment of silence for her. to ariel," she said and nodded her head to cue the moment had began. sophie, who was beside me, embraced me into a hug and we held on for quite some time.
"thank you," mrs. smith. said after the  moment was over. me and sophie let go and i wiped my tears.
"Sunday morning at 10 am her funeral will be held. i think she would've liked it very much for you all to come. with that, you all are dismissed,"
we all walked back to the dressing room and got our things together. i made sure i was the first one out to avoid talking.
i got in moms car as soon as i saw it.
"sweetie how was practice?" mom asked.
"can we just go," i said faintly looking at my lap.
"cas what happened?"
"CAN WE JUST GO?" i yelled in a demmanding voice. taken aback by my actions, i fumbled with my hands in my lap.
without questioning, she drove.

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