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beep beep beep
my alarm clock went off.
ugh. great.
i slung my arm across the bed and onto my bed side table hitting snooze.
its the first day of school which means I'll have to answer a load of questions. people are gonna want to know what happened to ariel.
i got out of bed and slipped on a black croptop and light washed jeans. i paired that with some my white converse.
then i did my makeup. i put a few coats of mascara and some white and grey eye shadow. then a bright red lipstick.
i quickly straightened my thick hair and headed out.
when i arrived to school i mad a b line to go and find the others. i made sure to check out my new locker and a few of my classes on the way too. once i finally found them, i joined the circle.
"hey," i said bluntly.
"hey cas how have you been?" claire asked.
"awful. i miss her so much!" i tried not to cry again.
"we all do its ok your not alone," sophie hugged me.
"thanks guys," i forced a smile.
"hey if anybody wants to ask, dont tell them. its not there business to know," i said.
"thats probably smart," lauren said.
then the bell rang so we all shuffled to class.
"bye guys goodluck!" i said before i left. everyone separated away in a choir of "you toos"
i walked into my first period and took a seat near the back.
this class is social studies, my favorite (can you feel the sarcasm)
literally two seconds before the bell rang, a tall figure walked into the door with a brown quiff and eyes. he glanced the classroom, smirked at me, and darted over to the seat next to mine.
great. fan fucking tastic.

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