Chapter 3

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July 13, 2013

I quickly got up from bed and got dressed for a quick workout in the gym here. Everyone seemed really nice when we first moved in yesterday; it was really quiet, and really peaceful. I laced up my sneakers and stepped out of the apartment. I really liked this building, the rooms were spacious and everything was just so posh. I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the fifth floor, the floor the gym was on. When it opened I went into the gym and began to stretch and warm up, I used every excuse in the book to stretch without looking crazy. If you ever saw me out on the streets you'd probably see me with my leg hoisted up on a tree. I began to lightly jog on the treadmill speeding up every few minutes and turned down the music on my iPhone.

I heard a low grunt sound from behind me and averted my gaze to a buff man in the corner lifting up heavy weights. His arms were amazing, as were his abs, he looked really cute from the side as well. His brown hair was was wet and spiked up in different directions, creating a sexy bed head look. From the corner of my eye I could see his bright blue eyes from the reflection and jumped in surprise when he turned to face me. Like an idiot, I smiled at him, even though be just caught me checking him out. Somewhere between staring at him and him winking at me obviously put me off, I let the treadmill roll under my feet and slid off falling onto my bum and slamming down on my back. I heard the clatter of weights and quickly felt a new presence.

"Are you ok?" His voice was deep and husky but sweet at the same time; it made me want to rip my clothes off and... sorry, ahem, anyway . I didn't really move or say anything, but once I opened my eyes they were staring into his, he smiled at me. Gosh his teeth were perfect, his smile was gorgeous. "Um, yes." I tried to stand up but fell back down, this time he caught my fall and swept me up into his arms. "What's your apartment number?" "435" I whispered. He left the gym and carried me into the elevator with his arms still holding me up. He was even more handsome close up I realized.We stopped in front of my apartment door and he knocked loudly. A few minutes passed before a groggy Dakota opened the door. "Whoa, hey! Are you alright? What happened?" The questions flew out of her mouth nonstop while the stranger took me to the makeshift couch we created in the living area. "She'll be alright, can you get some ice please?" Dakota rushed to get ice as he inspected my head gingerly. "You're bleeding a little, but you should be alright."

"Thanks." "What's your name?" "I'm Caitlyn, and you are?" "Josh." "Thanks for helping me out Josh." "No problem Caitlyn."

Dakota rushed back into the living room and handed Josh the ice pack. He lifted me up a bit before placing the frigid cold thing on my head and I sunk against his sweaty chest. Dakota ran away not sure which way to go but then ran into her room. "You have an odd friend." "Oh, yeah. We're all pretty odd." "We?" "Yeah, my friends and I. There are two more of us around here, you just met Dakota. The others are sleeping." He nodded his head sympathetically and turned facing me with a huge grin on his face. "You seem to be the most sane." I chuckled in response knowing I was nowhere near sane, but I didn't want him to run out because he thought I was crazy, I liked the support his arms gave me. But, I reluctantly took the ice pack from him and moved away, taking in my surroundings. I'm sure Josh thought we were poor. "Sorry about the lack of furniture, we just moved in yesterday." "It's cool. Have been around here before? Like this city?" I shook my head no but winced when I felt the pain from my fall. "We aren't from here; we just graduated from Williams College of Performing Arts." "Performing Arts school... nice. What did you major in?" "Dance Performance." He nodded for a while before looking up at me with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"If you ever want me to uh... show you around, I'm available." "That'd be really nice." "My apartment number is 525, if you're interested just call me, the lobby clerk has it." I could tell he was nervous by the way his voice kept fluctuating back and forth, it was adorable. "Or, you could just give it to me yourself." He chuckled nervously and smiled. "Sorry, yeah. That's an even better plan." He typed his number in my phone and I did the same in his. Emily ran out of our room straight past us and ran into Dakota and Jocelyn's room.

"WHERE IS CAT?!!?!" I heard her scream. I could tell Dakota groaned and I soon saw them all peering at me and Josh. "You brought a boy home? We just moved in! I wanted to be first." Jocelyn whined. "Um, Josh, these are my friends. Emily, Jocelyn, and Dakota, who you've already met." He nodded stepping forward to shake their hands and turned around facing me. "I should go."I nodded in agreement and walked him to the door and closed it behind us. "I'm sorry about that." It's cool." He muttered. "I'll see you later?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, and with that he jogged back to the elevator to his floor.

Josh is on the side ------------>

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