Mistake # 2

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"I always brought my family into our relationship."

"Babe, why does your sister keep texting me?" I turned my head to the side and raised the sunglasses off of my face. "I don't know. Which one? What is she saying?" " Izzy. She keeps telling me all these weird things about you." I sat up immediately and my body to face him. "What is she saying?"

I was deeply concerned, anything that comes out of Izzy's mouth about me is probably not good. "She said that when you were younger you were playing on the monkey bars and you climbed on top and fell in between two poles, causing your vagina to bleed, and then your mom thought you got your period, but you guys were only nine." "Why?!?!" I shouted in frustration, "Stop texting my sister." "Your sisters a bitch, she keeps telling me I don't deserve you."

Isabella, Izzy, is my youngest sister, she's only fifteen, but we never truly got along. Izzy's a bitch, and I hate to say that about my sister but its true, she drinks, I'm pretty sure she's sexually active, and she's just too much for my mom to handle. To be quite honest I didn't mind Niall calling her a bitch, I felt the same way sometimes. "Stop texting her." I watched as Niall put his phone down and I stood up wiping the specs of sand off my butt. "Lets go for a swim." Niall and I had been laying on the beach for the longest and I was getting hot. I strolled into the water and played around for awhile before getting out because the salt water was burning my eyes.

Niall sat down and shook his head to get the water out, but of course it didn't work. I forced his head to the side and he smiled at the instant release of water in his ears. "That feels so good." He said showing off his silver braces. "I know. I love that feeling." Niall picked up his phone and I scanned his face as it dropped from a smile to a scowl. "What the hell Cait?!" "What?" I asked cautiously. He handed me the phone and threw himself back down on the chair.

'So, you know I hate Cait, but I care about her. She's really sensitive and I'd seriously appreciate if you'd be a good boyfriend to her thanks. And try not to fall asleep on her while you're having sex.'

"Why would she...?" I was utterly confused. "Stop telling your sisters our business. I'm sick and tired of it. You always have your mom or your sisters calling you and telling you to do this and that in our relationship. It's not their business." I read the text message again and sent a text to my older sister Morgane, she always knew how to handle Izzy.

'Can you please tell Izzy, to stop texting Niall?'

Izzy actually liked Morgane and looked up to her, probably because I was the only good kid in the family, and Morgane was more like her. Even though Morgane still has the piercings and tattoos to prove it, she's a lot better now.

'Yeah, I'll handle her.'

"How does Izzy even know about that?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I may have told Morgane." "Enough. Ok? A relationship includes two people, me and you. Not your whole family. They don't need to know that I couldn't perform. It's embarrassing." "I thought it was funny." "It's embarrassing." He said raising his voice. "I'll be back." Niall got up and walked away. I watched his muscular back walk away from me and sighed in frustration. He always did this. He was probably off to get some food. He always ate when he was mad. My phone began ringing and I picked it up only checking after who was calling me. "Hi Cat." "Hi Izzy." "Morgane told me what was going on." "Yeah, did she tell you I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't text him anymorw?" "Yeah, hold on. Niall texted me back. 'I treat Cait just fine thank you.' Awww, that's sweet, he thinks he's a good guy." "Izzy, leave him alone." "Your first relationship, and it's with a guy that doesn't even treat you right. Shame, I expected perfection from you Cait, Niall isn't your definition of perfection." "You don't know what my definition of perfection is." "Oh but I do. Perfection by your definition is the lack of flaws, in appearance and character. It's Caitlyn Law." "Get out of my room." I had that hanging up in my room, right next to my mirror. I stopped looking at it when I got older, but I believed in it so much because that's what my dance instructor told me and she was like royalty in my eyes at the time. "I love Niall, and I'm not going to let you ruin our relationship with your bs, stop texting him and stop being such a terrible sister. You're trying to help but you aren't, it's making things worse. So please stop." Izzy was finally quiet and I felt bad, but I was right, I'm always right. I could hear more silence and realized she hung up awhile ago. Niall sat back down ignoring me and I crawled over to him seductively. "Can I have some?" My eyes were fixated on the ice cream cone he was holding and he put it out for me to lick. "Do you promise to not bring your family into our relationship?" "Yes." I murmured. He smiled and brought the ice cream to my face. I licked some and leaned in to kiss him. It became a full blown make out session, until he decided he wanted to shove the ice cream in my face.

Even though I promised I'd never include my family into our relationship, I guess I lied.

I didn't really edit this, so sorry for any mistakes.

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