Chapter 3 (Continued)

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"I don't like that comforter." Emi screamed. "Em, please, it'll go perfectly with our room." After twenty minutes of arguing we were out of Ikea and headed for Starbucks. We had bought the comforter I wanted along with other things for our apartment. Most items had to be shipped so we'd be camping out for a few more days. After we got our drinks we sat down watching everyone come and go. We loved people watching, it was one of the many creepy things we did together. "Wait, so explain to us why that guy was in our home!" Jocelyn shouted. "I've told you like a million times before you guys." "Tell us again." Emily whined. "I was checking him out, he winked at me, I fell off the treadmill, he took me to our aprtment, Dakota came in and then left, we talked, he offered to show me around, you guys came in." "How romantic..." Dakota sighed.

"It's not romantic." "Whatever, so when are you going to hang out with him?" "Um, I don't know. Whenever." "Text him now." Dakota shrieked. "Yeah, tell him you're available tomorrow." Emily said only making things worse. I pulled out my iPhone and brought it up to the table putting in my password. The opening click of my phone sounded and I clicked the telephone icon. I skimmed through my contacts and hit Josh's name.

'Hi! I was wondering if you are available tomorrow?'

I placed my phone on the table and smiled at them each. "I did it." Emily began dancing around and I took a long sip from my tea.

- Hello, wherever you are. Are you dancing on the dance floor or drinking by the bar? Tonight we do it big, we're shining like stars, we don't give a what, cause that's just who we are, and we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, the crazy kids, them crazy, them crazy kids, and we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, the crazy kids, them crazy, we are the crazy people.-

My phone quit ringing as I held it in my hand and slid it open putting in my password.

'No, I'm not busy tomorrow. I'll come by your apartment around 1 or something, if that's ok?'

'Yeah! That's cool! I'll see you then.'

"What'd he say?" "Read it yourself. " I replied. I slid them my phone and shook the ice around in my tea. "He so likes you. He was stammering and stuff. God he's hot." 'I barely know the guy." "Well in all honesty you need to move on, you haven't gone a date since, you know who, it'd be good for you. " Jocelyn was grinning at her advice as was Emily probably proud that Jocelyn came to the conclusion. "Fine." Joce, wasn't always so bright.


We were home now, maybe an hour later and we were all in our Sofee's and Nike Pro's beginning to stretch. All of us except for Dakota majored in only dance performance but she majored in musical theatre and dance performance. It was pretty cool. We always stretched and conditioned together and we even choreographed together. We had the same goals for dance but mine were a bit different because I wanted a studio. They all offered to teach at my studio when

I opened it and I was grateful because I know it'd be impossible to find other dancers as great as them. "Wait so tell us another mistake you made babe." Emily cooed. "Um, I don't know." I kicked my leg up and caught it with my hand and then added a turn on the second kick each time. "Come on, think about it." Dakota urged. I sighed trying to remember another time we'd fight or disagree on something. I sat down to stretch my straddle and bent over to my right where my phone was sitting.  

I quickly remembered when I saw my sisters name pop up on my screen. Izzy...

Dakota on the side ------------>

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