I N D I C T I V E // 10

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Anger is boiling through my veins as I slam into my apartment

All I can think about is how I'm going to tell her

I love my job

I love travelling

Yet right now is not the time to go and do business and make partnerships

I could try and reschedule our trip but that would create anarchy and havoc

Thoughts of cancelling the trip flit through my mind

But her crestfallen face keeps slapping me against my face

I call Sophie

"Just take her on the work trip with you," she states with conviction

"We won't have any time to spend together because I'll be working," I protest my voice breaking

"She's a grown woman; she can go to the beach for the day while you work and then you can spend time in the evening," Sophie continues

It all sounds so rational

"Mum always said never to break promises," Sophie says breaking the uncomfortable silence

She's right

Work or no work I promised her a holiday

A warm sunny holiday she's going to get

With a large dose of love and affection to compensate for soon to be negligence

L O L I T A ' S National Anthem (COMPLETED ✔️)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora