T I M I N G // 97

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I decide to go and visit mum

Lola is asleep soundly in the back much to my relief

She's been crying non stop for three days and I don't know what I'm doing wrong

Maybe she doesn't love me

Maybe I don't love her enough

I enter into the cemetery with caution

Even though it's a sunny day the ominous gloomy feeling doesn't leave the grave yard

I come to a stop next her grave and bundle Lola into my arms

Careful not to wake her up

I haven't been here since I last visited at 18

I read the inscription on the grave stone painfully

The words are stuck in my throat but I peel them out one by one

"Hello mum, just wanted to introduce you to your new grand daughter, Lola,"

I furrow my face when I sense a cloud of emotion over coming me

"But I'm sure she's already told you about her but here is Lola. You always said you wanted a grand daughter,"

I pause my voice cracking

"And I named her Lola just like you wanted"

L O L I T A ' S National Anthem (COMPLETED ✔️)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang