O P T I O N // 82

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My hands tremble as she puts them gently on her stomach

I can feel the soft kicks against my hands 

Right there and then I want to fill her up with so much love and affection

It's writhing in my bones and when I look into her eyes I know she's thinking the same thing 

We don't

Instead I ask if she wants to come round and see the nursery

"It's not yet finished but I really want you to see it," I say excitedly

She nods her head biting down on her lip

I lead her into the house and upstairs with my hands covering her eyes

When I reveal the nursery she gazes in shock and awe

"It's beautiful Chris," she breathes placing a hand on her belly

Her glimmering shining face feels me with warmth

"I've also made up the guest room when you want to come and sleep round," I say showing her the guest room

She stands in the middle of the room gazing around

"Despite everything that's happened between us, I'm glad this is what is coming out of it," she says softly

"So you're finally happy," I ask carefully

She nods her head

"I've finally got all the love and affection I've always wanted"

L O L I T A ' S National Anthem (COMPLETED ✔️)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن