T E A R S // 55

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Me: one of your friends, I think Chelsea? Came up to me and called me a bastard (sent 16:57)

Me: what the hell is she talking about? (sent 17:05)

Me: is it true what she told me? Please tell me is she lying? What's happening? (sent 17:10)


Me: baby I'm sorry I'm just stressed, am I going to be a father? (sent 17:16)

Me: she told me you're moving away, is this true? (sent 17:20)

Me: can we meet up just to talk? (sent 17:23)

Me: I know I've been a dick to you. I big massive massive dick and I'm sorry, that's just the way that I am and I'll try to change. I'll make you really happy, seriously, I really will. (Sent 17:33)

Me: So what we're 10 years apart, age is just a number right? Even when you go off to uni (or if now) I'll still be with you, I'll still want you. It goes beyond sex babe, way beyond, you
Love me and I love you. I love you okay. (Sent 17:39)

Me: I've told you everything there is to know about you and I've told you everything about me. Remember when you told me about that guy that tried to rape you? Yeah I was mad that someone tried to do that to you; I just didn't want to show it. In fact I tried to tell the police and find the bastard myself but couldn't. I couldn't and I failed. (sent 17:43)

Me: I only ended it because you were going away to uni soon anyway and thought you were going to meet someone better over there. (sent 17:49)

Me: ????? (sent 18:46)

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