T A K E N // 91

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"I hate her"

Everyone's heads snap in my direction

I'm rocking Lola to sleep in my arms

She seems to be the only thing calming me down at the moment

"You can't say that," Sophie whispers in a grave tone

"Why not? I hate mum for leaving me and I hate her for leaving me too," I say coolly, my eyes gazing down at Lola's small caramel coloured face

"I hate her for the way she made me need her," I continue, the tension rising in the room

"I forgot to mention she's 14. I didn't know until a couple of months ago,"

Mum and my sisters gaze at each other incredulously

Mum lays a hand on my shoulder

"Look down at what's in your arms. That's your lifeline now," she says solemnly

L O L I T A ' S National Anthem (COMPLETED ✔️)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat