The Wish

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I looked up into the starry night sky, catching a glimpse of a shooting star. I squeezed my eyes shut and whispered,
"Star light, star bright
First star I see tonight
I wish I may
I wish I might
Have a wish,"
I paused before whispering,"I wish I could meet Michael Jackson." When I open my eyes, the star twinkled before disappearing.

*the next morning*
The sound of thumping and yelling woke me up. I peeked my head from beneath the duvet to glare at my clock. It's 9:14 in the morning, what the hell?! I hopped out of bed angrily before realizing I lived alone. I paused before picking up a 5 inch heel and proceeding downstairs. "Show yourself!" I demanded at the bottom of the stairs.

A head popped out the kitchen door, and it was MICHAEL FUCKING JACKSON. My jaw automatically hit the floor, he's been dead for 6 years, it's impossible!

I squealed. Behind him popped out seven other Michaels."There's more of you?!" I exclaimed unbelievingly. "Hey....where's J5?"One of them asked. The others shrugged and looked around. They were all from different eras. I rubbed my eyes before whispering,"I've gotta be still dreaming...."

"Ooh la la. I'm gonna have some fun with this one." A different Michael elbowed him. "Excuse Invincible. He's so sexual sometimes. I'm Maestro." "I'm Off The Wall." He begins to giggle uncontrollably. Another Michael begins to laugh along with him. "I'm.........Scarecrow!" He says between giggles. "They do that sometimes. By the way, I'm Scream." "I'm Blood On The Dance Floor." "Hi, I'm Thrad." I was at a loss for words.

"Are.....are you okay?" "Why isn't she saying anything?" They Don't Really Care About Us asked "Cuz she's freaked out. She thought we were robbers." Off The Wall said "Why do you say that?" "She was carrying a shoe down here and she held it out like she was gonna attack." Imitating the way I'd walked down the stairs a few minutes before. Then he and Scarecrow went into a laughing fit. They had tears pouring out their eyes. "I.......can't........breathe!" Scarecrow exclaimed through extremely contagious giggles. The other Michaels began to laugh, their laughter bouncing off the walls(Lol,'off the walls' and Off The Wall is the main one laughing,that is priceless.)

I stood with my arms crossed, waiting for them to stop laughing at me. When they all finally pulled themselves together,they sat to catch their breath. "That.....was hilarious."Off the Wall said. "Isn't everything hilarious to you?" Scream asked sarcastically,rolling his eyes. Off the Wall glared at him,then he said,"Hey Maestro,can I talk to you in the kitchen real quick? You too Scarecrow." They nodded slowly and walked into the kitchen,there was one Michael I didn't notice at first, J5.

"Hey guys,she has the Experience! Who wants to play? I could totally beat all of you guys." He said smirking. His smirk was so sexy,I felt my insides turn to mush. "We'll see about that."BOTDF challenged. They all rushed off to the living room to play.

Scarecrow and Maestro returned, Maestro looked a bit worried,"Scream, Off the Wall wants to talk to you in the kitchen real quick." Scarecrow looked a bit worried himself. "Alright." Scream walked to the kitchen, his socks patting across the hardwood floors. "Why's everyone so tense?" I asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "You'll find out in a moment." Scarecrow said quietly.

"I'm gonna kill you Off The Wall!"I heard Scream's brutal, well, screams. "Oh god, I gotta go help Off The Wall!"I exclaimed and rushed to find them. I followed Off The Wall's uncontrollable giggles. I found them in the common room; Off The Wall cowered into a corner, still giggling and Scream towering over him.
~oh sugar honey iced tea,don't kill Off the Wall!~

TOO MUCH MICHAEL!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now