Another One?! *swoon*

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We all woke up late the next morning because we'd stayed up watching a movie marathon. Thrad and I were cuddled up on one couch,Scream and Off the Wall shared the other one. J5 was snoring in the lounge chair. Scarecrow,TDRCAU,BOTDF and Invincible were on the floor. I didn't see Maestro anywhere. I heard cereal being poured into a bowl from the kitchen. I got up,careful not to wake Thrad. I tiptoed to the kitchen to see yet another Michael eating Frosted Flakes. "Um......" He looked up from reading the box and swallowed. "Hello." He said smoothly. "Dangerous?" I questioned. He smiled. Major Swoon. "Sorry I'm late." Dangerous said. I sat next to him with my own bowl and began to eat. "You know where Maestro is?" "I just got here. But maybe I can do a bit about that." All of a sudden,the quiet in the living room was bickering and yelling. "What'd you do?" I accused. "Magic is special thing,all of us are connected. So all I did was made myself look like Off the Wall in their dreams and I woke them all up. They don't know I'm here so they think Off the Wall did it cuz I woke him up first. He laughs at everything so him and Scarecrow are probably dying out there now."  "Oh god,I gotta go then!" He smiled then said,"I'll go with." He grabbed my hand and we walked into the noisy living room. They all got quiet when we walked in. Then Scream stood up and said lowly,"It was you,wasn't it?" Dangerous shrugged,"Maybe." Scream went over to Dangerous and was about to hit him when I grabbed his arm. Dangerous arched his eyebrow at Scream,challenging him. "Maestro's missing!" I exclaimed. None of them looked concerned. "No he's not," TDRCAU said,"he's out back in the tree." "We can climb trees?!"Thrad asked excitedly. "Sure,go knock yourselves out." Off the Wall,Scarecrow,Thrad and TDRCAU rushed past me to go outside. The older eras stayed put. "Aren't you guys going too?" They all shook their heads. Dangerous shrugged. "Might as well." He went out back to play with the younger eras. "Fine,I'm going out." I went upstairs and changed into a tanktop and shorts. I went out the back door to see Maestro,Dangerous,Off the Wall,J5,Thrad and Scarecrow in the tree. "Wait for me!" I shouted,climbing the tree quickly. I sat down beside Dangerous. He smiled. "Why don't you sit by your boyfriend,he's up there." He said pointing to a higher branch where Thrad sat staring off into space. "I wanna sit by my second favorite era." He blushed and  brushed his hair out his face. "I think you're my third favorite woman in the world." "First,your mom and second,Elizabeth Taylor." He laughed. "Right." He leaned over and moved some stray hair out my face. Next thing I knew,he was kissing me. 'Already?'I thought. He pulled away then looked away. "I'm sorry." "No,no Dangerous,it's okay. Just don't do it anymore,I don't wanna break Thrad's heart y'know?" He nodded and smiled that gorgeous smile of his. I climbed the tree to Thrad. "How was it?" He asked quietly. "What?" "That kiss just now." "" I blushed. "I'm sorry Thrad,he's the last one,I promise. I choose you."  Later that day,when we were all eating lunch,I made an announcement. "Michaels,I have made my decision. I will be taking two Michaels to my prom with me. Those two are Thrad," They groaned and Thrad beamed. "And Dangerous." "How? He just got here this morning! That's not fair!" Invincible  exclaimed. "I don't even know why you're talking,you weren't even being considered." I shot back. He sat down. I took them upstairs. I showed them my bright pink dress and they magically got matching tuxedos. I smiled. "Prom is in a couple of days guys. Hope you're ready." I gave them both a quick peck on the lips and skipped downstairs.
I smiled. "You ready?" I asked Dangerous. He shook his head. "You got us a good one. You know we'll be moving on soon though,right?" I hung my head. I'd forgotten that a wish only lasts a little while. But one gets to stay. That's why we don't have Thriller,Bad,younger J5 or The Way You Make Me Feel anymore. They all have girlfriends or wives. "You think everyone will let me stay?" "You know it's This Is It's decision. Not ours." "When does he get here?" "Usually a week after me." I sighed then tried to brighten the mood."Well I guess that means no more Off the Wall and Scream for me,right?" "Yeah,a bigger headache for the rest of us." He said,massaging his temples. We heard a crash. "There they are now." He said then smiled sadly. "I've got no one else like me now. It's only gonna be me." We hugged and went downstairs. (It was a friendly hug!!) We've been so close since Bad left,now we're parting ways. He's like an older brother. I'll miss him.

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