Saving the Goofball

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When I got to the common room, Scream was towering over Off the Wall who had a mix of fear and amusement in his eyes. "Scream...don't hurt him...." I mumbled, touching his shoulder gently. He turned around and his face was covered in pie. Scarecrow and J5 lost it, falling to the floor with side-clenching, belly-aching laughs. I snorted in a poor attempt not to laugh with them. The other Michaels were straining to keep it together as well. "Everyone out!" I exclaimed, and they gladly complied. In the hallway, I could hear hem roaring with vicious laughter and I couldn't help to envy them. Seeing Scream covered in pie is nothing short of hilarious.

Off the Wall P.O.V.
Jaedyn turned back to Scream and the amused glint in her eye returned. It was adorable how mischievous she truly was. Scream growled but she stood her ground, maintaining the same relaxed posture as before. He lunged at her, raising his fist the way I knew too well. I instinctively squeezed my eyes shut as I did every time Scream would go berserk on me. I looked up to see Scream had missed, which made him even angrier; he practically had steam coming from his ears.

Scream lunged at her again and I heard a crack. I was scared to look up and I flinched when I felt a hand grab my arm and lift me up. I opened my eyes to see Jaedyn unharmed. I looked behind her where Scream was on the floor holding his hand next to a hole in the wall.

I helped Off the Wall stand up and then I leaned down to Scream. "Are you okay?" I whispered, gingerly taking his hand into mine, examining it carefully. It was red and some of the skin near the knuckles had split. He wasn't bleeding too bad, so I took him to the bathroom and Off the Wall trailed behind quietly.

Once I'd wrapped up his hand, I kissed it gently. "Better?" He nodded and looked down. "What's wrong, Scream?" He sighed, his gaze flitting away from mine. I kissed him slowly and he leaned into me, wanting more. I sighed dreamily and he beamed. "I-I'm okay" and he sped off down the hallway.

"Well that's a first," Off the Wall said, leaning against the door frame. I shook my head to clear my inappropriate thoughts and turned to him. "What do you mean?" "Never seen Scream blush. But then again, usually I'm the one to make him mad," He says casually, giving me a crooked smile.

I roll my eyes and walk out. "You gonna kiss me too?" Off the Wall asks with childish excitement. "I mean....we are alone," He adds huskily, his arm wrapping around my waist from behind. I bite my lip as he spins me around to face him. He presses my body into the wall before kissing me feverishly; his hands squeezing and touching my body.

When he finally pulls away, my body is hot and I instantly crave for him to pounce on me again. Who would think such a carefree goofball would be so dominating and demanding? He giggled and walked away. I stood, my back against the wall trying to figure out what the hell just happened.
(Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment,vote and follow!!!! :3)

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