Hands Into Fists

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"Riley I swear if you don't open this door right now I will bust it down!" Lucas yelled.

Sadly, Corey and Topanga weren't home to tell them that there was a key on top of the door.

Fortunately, Maya had a bobby pin.

"Move Huckleberry." She pushed him to the side, removing it from her hair, letting the blonde locks fall in her face.

Riley's sobs became worse, as if they were ripping out of her.

They don't care about you, She thought. They just want to make fun of you some more.

Well, they aren't wrong. Your so freaking fat, it's a miracle they've stuck around this long.

"Hurry up Maya." Farkle said nervously, his eyes flickering from Maya to the door.

"I'm going as fast as I can." She hissed.

Finally the door knob have away with a click, and Maya pushed the door open. Lucas was the first one to rush in there, but the sight of her made him stand still.

She was crumpled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing her heart out. The sight of Riley, of his Sunshine, like that? Well, it paralyzed Lucas.

Farkle froze as well, but not entirely for the same reasons. He knew that if anyone could get anything out of Riley right now, it would be Maya.

And so Maya slowly walked forward, tears swimming in her eyes. She sat on the floor next to Riley, taking her hand in hers.

"Honey, what's wrong?" She asked softly, refusing to cry in front of her.

Right now Riley needed someone to be strong. And that someone had to be Maya.

Riley slowly lifted her head, and shook it. Her body was shaking, the tears still falling. Maya enveloped her in a hug, letting Riley cry into her shoulder.

Lucas' hands slowly curled up into fists, his anger rising. Someone had did this to Riley. Someone had hurt his Riley, the girl that listened to his Ranger Rick stories, who brought light into his day, never failing to make him smile.

And one thing was for sure for Lucas. Whoever had did this to Riley, had hell to pay.

Farkle had himself tucked into a corner, a look of hurt spread across his face. He'd known Riley since, well, forever, and to see her like this hurt him. But he knew Riley, and he knew she was strong.

Slowly Riley's sons turned to cries and her cries turned to tears and her tears turned into the silent shaking of her body.

Maya helped her off the floor, and together they went to the bay window. Lucas and Farkle followed behind them, and they all sat down.

"Honey." Maya said sadly, a wiry smile spread across her face.

"Peaches." Riley whispered.

"What happened?" Maya asked.

So Riley explained to them what had happened. Everything from the from the encounter in the hallway, to the texts that had just happened.

By the time she was done talking, Maya looked angry. And so Farkle. And Lucas.

"Who did this?" Lucas asked furiously, his hands gripped the bay window so tightly they were white.

"I don't know his name." Riley admitted, tear streaks staining her cheeks.

Lucas stood up, his anger about to boil over the top. He walked over to one of Riley's shelfs and picked up an empty picture frame.

It was an ugly green thing with caterpillars all over it. It was given to her by a second cousin once removed when she met her for the only time at Christmas. She didn't care for it.

"May I?" He asked.

Riley nodded, unsure what he was going to do.

Lucas slammed his fist into the glass, it shattering into tiny pieces. His hand started to bleed, and Lucas stood there, breathing ragged.

Whoever hurt Riley had much worse coming.

Lost and Insecure {Rucas}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz