Winners + Q&A (not a chapter)

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Hello all my lovely readers! I know you are all dying to find out who won, so I'll cut to the chase. Following afterwards will be the Q&A, so don't forget to read that. The winners that were chosen were completely random, I pulled the usernames out of a hat. Thank you to all who entered and read this story.




I will PM all of the winners and I'm looking forward to working with all three of you. But remember there are three so not every one of your ideas will happen. But I will make sure at least one of each of your ideas happen.

Now it's time for the Q&A! Feel free to answer the questions yourself in the comments, I love read y'all's opinions on things. Also, these are my opinions, and we're all allowed to have different ones, so please no hate.

Who are your favorite gmw ships other than Rucas? (@mostly_corpanga)

Well, Rucas is my biggest ship, for sure, but I have a few others (a lot). I definitely ship Corpanga and Auggie x Ava. I love Smarkle, they're just so adorable. I also kinda ship Riarkle, I feel like they're just a nice and fluffy ship. I don't really ship Maya with anyone, but I think Zay x Maya would be nice.

What is your favorite Girl Meets World episode? (@MCR_Killjoy03)

By a landslide my favorite episode is Girl Meets Rileytown. I just love exploring the side of Riley that's not rainbows and sunshine. It's been hinted at that Riley might have depression by Rowan and I'd like to see that happen and have the writers elaborate more on this in future episodes. And it was a Riley-centered episode and I feel like a lot of season two is mostly Maya-centered episodes even though Riley's the main character, so that was a refreshing change. It was just a very well put together and great episode in general.

Or maybe I just like seeing my babies suffer.

*note: at the time this was answered the newest was girl meets the new year

What do you think is going to happen in the show? Is it going to end up being Rucas or Lucaya? Or maybe neither? (@MrsHemmingsXP)

I personally think that it's going to end in Rucas. Maybe I'm biased or maybe I'm just right (I'm probably right y'all). It's just that I don't see the point in building this big ship from the first episode and not having it end in Rucas. Like maybe for a while we get Lucaya but it ends in Rucas.

I also really like this theory that I have that the writers are going to pull a How I Met Your Mother on us. Like it's the last episode and Lucaya is still together (or married depending how far the timeline goes) but then all of a sudden they break up or get divorced and it ends with Rucas getting together. I like that.

Why do you think Disney is making Lucaya so popular? (@synchrogirl53)

Mainly I think it was because of the fans. Because it's clear in season 1 that Maya and Lucas have no romantic feeling for each other, it's even been stated in interviews from season 1 that Lucas and Maya don't have feelings for each other. But then the fans started pushing for Lucaya and the writers probably didn't want to upset a big portion of their audience.

I personally think that Maya didn't really start feeling attracted towards Lucas until right around Yearbook. Or maybe they're just using it as a plot device for Rucas.

Does anyone honestly know what the writers are doing?

What inspired you to start writing fanfiction? (@brisummers_isme)

Honestly, it was the Percy Jackson series. I love the pjo/hoo fandom with all my heart (it's my favorites fandom/series), but I wanted more, like every fangirl does. So I decided to write a mini story (aka one shot) story, which is still up today. The first couple stories I hate, I cringe at my eleven year old self's handwriting. But go read it if you wish. I also highly recommend the PJO/HOO series, they truly are magical.

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