He Found Me

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"Lucas!" Riley exclaimed, jumping up and rushing over to him.

She took the picture frame out of his hand and set on her desk as Farkle and Maya stared at him with their mouths hanging open.

"What'd you do that for Lucas?" Riley asked as she picked shards of glass out of his knuckle.

"I had to take my anger out on something."

Riley wanted to talk more, but privately.

"Here, let me go bandage you up in the bathroom." Riley said, gingerly taking his hand and leading him there.

She shut the door in the place she was just previously crying in and took out the band aids, gauze, and medical tape. Riley had been really bored one day and read a big, thick medical book because nothing else was around, and she remembered some things from it.

"Lucas, you shouldn't have done that. You got hurt." She said as she placed the band aids on his injured skin.

"You got hurt Riley. Someone hurt you. That's not okay." Lucas said.

"Let's not talk about that." She said softly.

"Riley, someone made that cut on your head, didn't they?" Lucas asked.

"Yes, he pushed me into a book shelf in the library." Riley answered, her voice soft.

Riley wrapped the gauze around his hand as he sat there quietly fuming.

"Who was he?" He asked after she was finished.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me his name." Riley said honestly.

"Could you recognize him if you saw him?"

Riley nodded.

"We're going to find him." Lucas said, standing since Riley was finished.

"Thank you." Riley said, her voice cracking at the end.

It was quiet, but only for a second as Lucas wrapped Riley up into a hug. He held her tight, like she was the last thing left on the face of the earth. She nuzzled her head into the crook of shoulder, trying not to cry.

As all of this was happening, Maya and Farkle had their ears pressed against the door listening. Their hearts hurt so much, Riley had been through this once, she didn't deserve to go through it again. She didn't deserve to go through it the first time.


"Today we will be learning about the civil war." Corey said, underlining the topic on the chalkboard.

"Oh, can it hambone," Farkle said, crossing his arms in his desk. "This has nothing to do with what's going on in our lives right now. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to with it."

"Well what is going on in your lives?" Corey asked, crossing his arms as well as if he was challenging Farkle.

Before Farkle could answer, the door swung open and a boy stepped in. Riley sat straight up in her desk, suck in a small, almost inaudible, gasp. It was him.

"I was told I'd need to transfer to your class." He said, leaning against Corey's desk and handed him a slip.

"What's your name kid?" Corey asked.

Lucas and Farkle and Maya were all staring at Riley, who in turn had her eyes locked on the boy. Farkle figured it out first, like he always did. He put two and two together, his eyes shooting daggers at the boy.

"Justin Smith." He answered, his voice smooth and suave.

"Well take a seat Justin." Corey said, gesturing to the rows of desks.

Justin sent a smirk at Riley, who was now looking down at her desk, her hair falling in front of her face. Unfortunately, there just so happened to be an empty seat by Riley. Yogi had moved over by Darby, leaving Justin able to take his seat. He slid into the seat, the smirk still on his face.

The smirk was cold and sly and slippery false, just like a snake.

"Hey baby, did ya miss me?" He whispered so quietly only Riley could hear.

"I need to be excused." Riley said abruptly, standing up quickly and walking out without even waiting for a reply from her dad.


Riley wasn't crying.

She was sitting in a locked stall on a toilet, her knees wrapped up to her chest. She was shaking like she'd just been dipped in the Artic.

He found me. He found my class and now he's going to hurt me. He found me he found me he found me he found me.

A/n: Hello, it is I, the writer who doesn't update a lot and like to read your comments and reply to them once in a blue moon. Yeah, sorry about that first part. As an apology, I'll be holding a contest! If you are one of the three winners, you'll get to help me decide where this story goes and how it ends. Like, how do Riley and Lucas get together? Does Lucas have anymore anger fits (awink, awink)? How does Maya handle Justin (we finally have a name guys)? Does anything else happen to Riley? Any and all ideas are accepted! Well, kinda. Here are the rules:

1) You MUST be following me (and I will check)

2) You MUST vote on all the chapters in the story from here back.

3) Your ideas may NOT have a romantic ship that involves Riley or Lucas that is not rucas.

Here's how you enter:

Just leave a comment saying you want to enter the contest! All winners will be chosen at random, and remember, there will be 3 winners.

So I hope to see a lot of entries! And may the odds be ever in your favor!

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