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Riley sat on the bay window, thumbing through a book. It was old and worn, her favorite book actually. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. She was reading it but not really, she wasn't absorbing any of the words.

It had been a day since she had a panic attack in the school restroom. She had stayed home from school today, not wanting to face Justin and everyone else just yet. Maya had wanted to stay home with her, but even though Riley desperately wanted her to stay, she made her go. She wasn't worth staying home for.

They hadn't really talked about what happened yet, Riley avoiding the topic at all costs. She knew she was going to have to eventually, probably tonight actually, but she didn't want to. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard something from outside her window. She took her eyes off the book and saw Lucas climbing in through her window. He sat down next to her.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" Riley asked after a minute.

"My last period teacher didn't show up so we got to leave early." He explained.


There was a beat of silence.

"Riley, what happened?" Lucas asked.

"Lucas, I really don't want to talk about it." Riley said, closing her book and setting it in her lap.

"You're going to have to eventually, so why not now? Just tell me Riley, please." Lucas pleaded with her.


"Riley." He interrupted her.

"Fine." She gave in.

She explained everything to him, starting with the day in the hallway and ending with her panic attack. Lucas didn't say anything for a moment, seeming to gather his thoughts.

"You know he's not right Riley? You're not fat or any of those things he called you." Lucas said, looking at her intently.

"Yes I am Lucas. Cant you see that? I'm worthless."

It struck something deep inside Lucas to see Riley looking at him with her eyes filled with tears and her calling herself worthless. Riley was his sun, his moon, and his stars. Riley was his universe. He couldn't stand seeing his princess hurting so badly. Slowly, he took his hand and put it on her cheek. He leaned in and placed his lips on hers.

It wasn't a quick peck like their first kiss on the subway train, but a long one on the bay window. He felt Riley gasp against his lips before she kissed back. When they broke apart, Lucas still had his hand on her cheek.

"To me, you're perfect." He said softly.

A smile slowly stretched across her face, finding its way to her eyes. Lucas smiled back at her, taking a piece of her hair in his hand.

"What do we do now?" Riley asked softly, leaning into his fingers brushing across her cheek.

"Now, you do nothing. You get better." Lucas answered her.

"Lucas don't do what I think you're going to do." Riley said warily.

"I have to Riley, he hurt you. He can't just walk away from this."

"And he won't. But you beating him up won't do you or me any good. I need you right now, I don't need you to be suspended."

Lucas was filled with anger any time Justin was even mentioned. It made him want to grab Justin by his shirt and slam into the lockers, to revert back to what he was in Texas. But Riley made him want to be better than that. He was putty in her hands, and she was helping him form into something new. Something better. She brought out the very best in him and helped him put away the very worst.

So of course he couldn't go against her wishes.

"Okay," He gave in. "But he will get what's coming to him. Expelled or worse."

"That I agree with." Riley said, pressing a soft and quick kiss to his lips.

"You know," Lucas smiled. "I can't just keep kissing you if we're only friends."

"And why not?" Riley feigned innocence.

"Because I don't just kiss any friend. I would only kiss someone if they, oh I don't know, were my girlfriend."

"But I'm not you girlfriend." Riley pointed out.

"Well, would you like to be?" Lucas asked shyly.

"I would love to." Riley said.


Riley stood in front of her open locker, pretending to be interested in her books. Really, she was trying to avoid everyone's eyes on her. By know the whole school had heard of Thursday's event, and three days later, everyone wanted to know what happened.

"Just ignore them Riley." Maya said coming up to her.

"It's hard Peaches." Riley said.

"I wouldn't know, but I imagine it is." I commented.

Lucas and Farkle came up to the two of them.

"How are you holding up?" Farkle asked her.

"As best as I could be." Riley said.

Lucas wrapped his hand in Riley, rubbing his thumb on her hand comfortingly. Maya and Farkle smiled at them, happy for the two.

"Hey slut!" A voice called out from behind them.

The four turned around to see Justin walking up to them. Lucas squeezed Riley's hand and clenched his jaw.

"Don't Lucas." Riley whispered.

"Did you find yourself a boy toy?" Justin sneered.

"Why don't you leave her alone?" Maya snarled.

"But that's not fun. What is fun is messing with fat skank."

At that Lucas lost it. He let go of  Riley's hand and took Justin and slammed him into the lockers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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