best friends ( s.m )

401 7 0

Y/n P.O.V.

So today me and my best friend shawn and some of our other friends such as cameron nash and Matthew and my friend gisselle are all going to six flags shawn knows the roller costems are my thing so yeah we get to six flag and go to the front to pay for our wurst bands I push everyone out of the way so I could pay for them. They all get mad but I don't care we go in and I start to run around going crazy

Shawns P.O.V

Y/N starts to act like a five year old and starts to go crazy once we get in side the amusement park I just laugh she runs up to me and grabs me by the hand and gets in line for one of the rides knowing Y/N she picks one of the most scary rides to go on first we finally get seated and Y/n can't stop bouncing the ride starts and I start to tense up.


What up guys hope u like my story so far

Love: vivi

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