I'm sorry part two

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Shawns P.O.V
The door locks I'm sorry I says quietly. I get in my car and drive to my house. About ten minutes later I get to my house I walk in with my head down Aaliyah says hi and I just wave and walk upstairs to my room. I sit on my bed in silence I then txt y/n
S: hey
5 minutes later
Y: ..
S: what's that
Y: oh what you don't have to txt lesley?
S: I'm sorry it's just she saw me when I got to the mall and we just started walking
Y: so u just forgot about me wow well know you should just forget I'm txting you and txt her bye
S: y/n don't go please please
She reads it and doesn't reply. I grab my phone and throw it at the wall. Gosh what's wrong I hear aaliyahs voice ask. I turn and say you saw that. Yeah what happened she answers. I messed up bad and I don't know what to do I say putting my face I'm my hands. Well then fix it do whatever it takes aaliyah says walking out. She's right I have to fix it no matter what. I know what to do. I go to sleep cuz I have a big day tomorrow.
Next day
I wake up at like 12:00 since it's Saturday. I get my phone and y/n still didn't awnser. I then call her brother and tell him to get y/n out of the house until 3:00 he says okay and hangs up. Now I have to go to the store. I get in my car and drive to the store. I get to the store and walk in and head for the giant teddy bear y/n is always saying she wants one. I get two and go pay. As I'm paying the lady says ooowww who are these for. My best friend I messed up and I have to fix things with her. Ooh your best friend is girl she ask. Yeah she's amazing and I don't want to lose her. Oh well I bet these will do the trick she says smiling. Thank you I say and leave. I put the bears in the back of my car and go to the candy store. I buy a bunch of y/ns favorite candies and leave. Then I go to this cool flower shop were they paint your roses. I get five dozens in different shades of blue since blue is y/n favorite color. I put them in the passenger seat of my car and it's 2:08 so I drive to y/ns house. I get the spare from under the rock and open the door I unload all of the stuff to the living room then close the door. I start taking stuff to y/ns room and setting it up all nice. By the time I'm done it's 2:56 y/n should be here any minutes. I have a card for her so I right a note and put it in front of every thing. I hear the front door open and some one coming up stairs. I hide behind then bed and I hear the door open. Then I hear a bag drop and y/n start crying. I look from under the bed and I see her pick up the card. After a few seconds I get up and look at y/n who is still crying. She looks at me and crystal harder. I go up to her and hug her so tight. Them I say I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you I love you so much and I don't want to lose you ever. She pulls apart and looks up at me then in the blink of an eye her lips were pressed on mine. After a few seconds she pulls away and we just stare at each other then she says I love you too shawn and I'll never leave you.

The end

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