you need to

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I open my eyes to see nothing but a blank ceiling. Ugh why does it have to be Wednesday? I'm just don't want to go to school I has the worst night last night. I got in a fight with my two older brothers they can be so hurtful.
I get up out of bed and check the time. 7:12 am. Ughhhhhh why why why do I have to be up so early?
I go into the bathroom and wash my face brush my teeth then go to my closest. What to wear what to wear?... I grab a blue tank top and some black leggings and my blue vans. I get dress the go to the bathroom and brush my hair out since it's naturally straight. I look in the mirror completely discuss. Whatever tho I can't do anything about how ugly fat and stupid I am ( acording to my brothers.)
I get my zipper jacket from pink and head down stairs. I walk in the kitchen to see one of my brothers making waffles.
"Mmm waffles sound fantastic right now." I think to myself.
"Hey little sis want a waffle." My brother ask.
"Wtf he calls my fat the want to feed me no I know he knows I'm fat." I think all this in my head
"No thanks I'm to fat it's okay." I answer him in a low soft vocie.
I go to the fridge and grab a water. I look at my brother he seem a little disappointed but what can I do he's the one that said it not me.
Soon after my other brother comes down stairs. (BTW the are twins so yeah.)
"Hey kids" he says.
(Our parents have to go on alot of business trips but it okay I'm in 8th grade and my brothers are in 10th and the school we go to is a middle school and a high school.)
"Kids we have the same birthday?" My brother James says in a question tone.
"Yes, but I'm 3 minutes older then you" Josh replies with a sassy vocie.
I just stand there not making eye contact with either of them. After a few seconds I walk to the living room and grab my back pack off the floor and make sure my spare key is in it. I start walking towards the door then...
"Y/n where are you going?" Both my brothers ask.
"To school" I say still not making eye contact.
"How you can't drive ?" James says.
"I'm walking you know to get exercise and lies weight so I won't be so fat you know." I say walking out the door and running to school.
It not that far but we usually do stuff after school that requires a car.
I arrive at school and stand in front of the school completely out of breath. Boooo some one screams in back of me. I turn back to see a tall, brown hair, hazelnut eyes, beautiful smile, amazing jawline boy.
"Oh hey shawn" I say take short breaths.
"Wow y/n we've been best friends since like forever and I still can't scare you" He says with a omg vocie.
I stand up back to my normal breathing pattern.
"One day mendes" I say with a smile.
"I can live with that I guess ,but can I ask you something? He ask blinking a lot.
"What is it."
"Why did u rum to school ?"
"Oh yeah long story , but you don't have to worry."
"You know I'll find out y/n."
"Yeah , but.... I'll just make you wait."
"Whatever, anyways I guess what I got muffins !!!!"
"Uwwwww." I say while winking.
Shawn chuckles a bit.
"You want one?" He ask.
"No thanks I'm good."
"But, y/n you love muffins how could you say no? " he's ask so confused.
"Idk i just not in the mood."
The bell for first hour rings I say bye to shawn and head too class.
(Skip to lunch.)
As I step into the cafeteria and see shawn at our usual table with our usual friends. I walk over to see everyone with pizza.
"Y/n go get your food." Ian says
"No its okay I'm not hungry..." I say kind nervous because of the way everyone started to look at me.
"But y/n it's food you love food. " Brian and lala say at the same time.
"Yeah but just not now I guess." I say looking down
"Just go get it." Lala says
"Fine." I say with some sass.
I go and get lunch and take my tray back to the table.
"Soooo who wants it?" I ask looking at all my friends.
Everyone goes for it until ..
"Wait just wait."Shawn says. "Give it to me."
Ian hands shawn the pizza.
"Say ahhhhhhhhhh."Shawn tells me.
"Y/n come on you know you want it."
"No shawn I'm fine."
"Ughh y/n just eat it."
"Please don't make me eat it shawn."
"You need to tho"
"OMG I SAID I DON'T WANT TO SHAWN!" I yell then say "sorry".
I then get up and leave to the library almost gonna brush into tears. I get to the library and go sit in a secret spot so no one can see that I'm crying. I get out my book and instantly start to sob. I sob quietly so no one hears me. As I sob for about ten minutes I hear my name wisper. I turn to see shawn.
"Shawn why are you here , how did you find me."
"For one I care about you, and two, because I care about you."
"So what's going on y/n ?"
"Don't lie to me y/n your my best friend i know when your lying."
"Oh,, okay."
"Sooo what's wrong why aren't you eating?"
"Ummmm cuz you know I'm kinda make that alot fat....." I say this with a little fear in my vocie.
" what ? Fat ? Who told you that ? Why would you believe that? Your beautiful. Why would some one say that to you ?" Shawn says in short breaths.
"James and Josh..."
"You know they didn't mean it theu probably just said it cuz they were mad."
"Sounded like they meant it to me .... "
"Well then they are stupid your like the skinniest person know.
"Thanks shawn but your my best friend your supposed to tell me all this even if it's not true. "
"But I mean it y/n."
"You don't have to pretend shawn."
"I'm not pretending."
"Yes you are..."
"UGH NO I'M NOT." Shawn yells down to me.
"Shawn shut up your gonna get us kicked out." I wisper yell since we are in the library.
"UGH it's just y/n I love you way to much for you to be doing stuff that's not good for you, your so beautiful and perfect , and I can't imagine my life without you." Shawn says calming down.
I look at him for a few seconds and then tackle him into a kiss. A few seconds into the kiss I feel shawn smile I then pull apart.
"Sorry shawn I didn't mean to make it akward."
"It's okay you didnt. You wouldn't image how long I've wanted to do that.
I go red and look at the ground. In a blink of an eye shawn lifts my head up and kisses me again. Zam this is perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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