chapter 2 nightmares??

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Kanan wasn't going to leave it that.he knew something was wrong with her. Something bothered her. Even though she wouldn't have said it he knew she was hiding something. He had a plan witch would be

1. Knock on hera's door if she doesn't answer open it with the force

2. Don't leave and keep on bugging her until she spills

3.just don't do anything stupid this all at night (this was suppose to be step 1)

.......,.with Hera...

She grabed 5 pills.....she didn't know how many.all of them?just a few..maybe 3 no she would do only 1.
Hera signed she couldn't help but let a tear fall. That's how scary her nightmares were.

She closed her eyes..she fell asleep

In hera's nightmare

She was walking down a hall flickering lights that made that"tick" sound.. She got to the door and opened it
The inqustitor stood there. The crew members tied up. She tried to break through an invisible barrier. When
The inquisitor said "well.. Looks like you get a front row seat" he said smirking showing some of his teeth.

Hera only could watch in terror "no please!! Stop!!" She yelled
But he only stood there and got his lightsaber
out and cutted Sabine's head off...her head rolling just
so Hera could see her face...
Her eyes were open...Hera felt like throwing up the blood was on the floor
Next he went to zeb.
Zeb said nothing but looked at Hera then at the inquisitor
Putting his head down but instead. The inquisitor poured gasoline on him and then he
Pushed a button and fire came out burning zeb his flesh going off his face..
Hera could only watch in fear.

He went towards Ezra "what a shame...he saw you as a parent. a mother "
Ezra said "Hera run!! Before he gets yo-"
It was to late a saw went through him splitting him into two
She knew who was next "please stop kill me but leave him"
She could have said that but her words didn't come out
Kanan:"Hera get out of here!!"
It was to late he got stabed a bunch of swords went through him
She cryed out in pain...the blood splattered on her the inquisitor picked her up using the force she tried prying off the invisible 'hands' on her neck but....then she heard a voice she screamed
When she heard him "Hera. Hera. Hera? Hera wake up" someone was shaking her

She woke up scared
She hugged who ever was in front of her. Trembling in fear
she Took a deep breath....she knew that smell any where.
"Yea its me Hera.....what's going on?" He ask
Hera still clunged to kanan as a lost child and said
"'d you get in here.." she said a little shaky she tried to sound calm
But fear somewhat lingered in her voice
"That doesn't matter for now" the Jedi said
Kanan hugged her back tightly
Hera:"c-can you...."

Kanan said "do what? I'll do anything you want" he said holding her hand tightly. Making the twe'lik calm

Hera smiled "promise....not to laugh?"

Kanan:"I swear if I break it you may shove me off while in hyper space." The Jedi rose his right hand "promise"
And took her hand in his again

"I..I..I had a nightmare....and was wondering.. If you could stay here with me...?" She tried sounding calm but she was nervous she was with her crush...light red spots formed on her face while saying that.

Kanan smiled and said "sure anything for you" while winking at her

Hera:shut up..

"Oh no did I upset captain Hera?" Kanan said playfully

Hera just hugged him and pulled him under the covers with her...

Kanan: so your nightmare on a scale to 1 to 10 how bad

Hera sighed and then replied " can we not talk about" she said scooting closer to kanan and wraping her arms around his waiste while he did the same

Kanan: don't think this lets you off the hook cause it doesn't.....well anyways good night

Hera: night....

They both fell asleep...

Onto the next chapter

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