chapter 9

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Kanan took out his lightsaber so did Ezra the two red blades were there with so many Strom troopers

"There is no where left to run" agent kallus said aiming his gun at Ezra and kanan

Ezra got mad at this " oh yea!! We're rebels and we always find a way even if you think we can't!! " his voice cracked a bit halfway as if saying ' this may be the end but we'll keep fighting'

Sabine gave Ezra a resurring pat on the back

Zeb took out his bo\rifle and was ready to shoot any one

Hera was looking behind them there weren't S much stroom troopers as the front "we still might have a chance!! " she thought quickly

The girl inquistor now decided to talk "what's the matter afraid?"

"I'm not afraid" said Ezra he was about to run but kanan put a hand in front of him shaking his head meaning 'no'

Sabine chuckled her thoughts made her laugh " guess I get to blow stuff up ". Now with a quick heavey breath she took...she threw her smoke bomb up in the air and a paint bomb a big puff of smoke came down that was there chance to run back

One of the voices said ," don't let them escape"

The rebels were pretty sure it belonged to agent kallus if not to the 5th brother


Commander Sato: we are ready to leave now lets go with the plan we made

Rex:yes sir

Ahsoka nods to him while saying " lets do this"

They got the 2nd best ships and the disguise the middle and back ones

Ahsoka: I guess we'll be leaving now

Next chapter

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