chapter 5 captured

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Ezra:hurry!!!!gah!! It's so cooled!!! damn it!!

Sabine:you know what you do it!! If your going to keep telling this is the best we  got......tour so lucky *looks at the lasot* the last has the wormest body

Zeb: stop being wineny we have a job to attend there minds.....

Ezra:woaw...where am i??

Sabine:Ezra is that you??

Ezra:yah!! But I can't see you so...

Zeb:we're taking in out minds so..I don't think we're suppose to see each other

Ezra:aw man zeb is here...

Sabine and zeb: really dude?

Zeb:anyways I think if we try hard enough we can get what ever is in our bodies out-aahh!!!

Ezra:what's wrong?

Zeb:ow....I fell on something....

Ezra: haha- ow what the heck?

Sabine: shut it you two!!!


........outside world.......

Guy inquistor: remember when we get the rebels the Jedi is mine

Girl inquisitor: that is if we catch them and no were going to break each one of them! Painfully......but not kill them

Agent kallus: I understand......

Girl inquistor: now lets go

........,.two hours later.....

Kanan: come on ahsoka what's taking so long

Hera: just hold on.....oh...wait..kanan I think we got company

Two large ships appeared...but one of them was closer bringing the ghost in from its tracker beam

Hera: kanan try to see if you can-

She was cut of when they heard a big-

* boom*

They were caught no where left to go.....

Kanan: this isn't good

Two inquisitors and agent kallus were coming this way...


(Arthur: hm.....seems like the right condition to leave a cliff hanger right here......haha-...)

Kanan and heraWhere stories live. Discover now