chapter 7 gathering everyone together

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In the empty room~~~~

Kanan:damn it hera jeez alittle heads up would be fine

Hera:you've bee hit harder now let me concentrate....*hacks into the computer*

Kanan:I can sence Ezra with the force and maybe the others why do you need to do this

Hera:..... -_- *gives him the stare then returns to the computer


Hera:alright done I checked which cells there at and....

Kanan:and what?

Hera: er.....there are so many storm trooper on specter 6s cell many?

Hera: 10 to 30 guarding him for zeb 6 but with really trained stroom troopers and for sabine.....3

Kanan: so how are we going to get there?

Hera:we could try the air vents and separate... But I don't think that's a smart idea

Kanan:I don't-

Storm trooper: I found the-

Kanan uses the mind trick on him "you found nothing and now you will leave"

Strom trooper: I found nothing....*leaves*

Kanan: air vets it is

...... After a quick argument they finally found zeb and sabines cell...luckily they were right across from each other

"Told you it was this way." Hera said a smirk forming

"Yea yea congrats you wanna prize?" Kanan said feeling like she cheated or something....

"I'll tell you what i want when we get back" she replied with a big smile

"Yay......" He said pretty sure he wasn't going to like it

They both got out and started to punch and use there blasters
As as little as three minutes top the Strom troopers were down

Hera starts to punch in the code to free zeb and Sabine one they got out-

"Rah!!! I am totally going to punch agents kallus's face in!!" Zeb said before stretching "but first I need to get my rifle...I swear if they touched it-".

He was cut of by sabine

" we'll find your rifle but now's not the time also I need my blasters were all lucky were not dea...d..."sabine droped as she opened the door. "I found heaven.....its so beautiful" she said grabing some of the guns"

As soon as Hera saw this she started barking orders " zeb go fine your staff\rifle. Sabine look for your blasters and bombs and maybe a new and improved gun...kanan make sure no one is coming"

"Yes ma'am" they replied

A couple minutes as Hera was looking she found Ezra in a cage


She tried to get the lock open but she decided it'd be more easier if kanan used his lightsaber

She called him over and kanan cut a hole in the cage
As soon as he got out Hera checked for any injuries witch made him chuckle

Ezra: thanks...

Kanan:I thought you were in a cell

Ezra: nope they switched me to try and trick you but that dosen't matter now lets get out of here...

"Sorry to interrupt.... But I'm afraid I can't let you do that" said the girl inquistor

"Out of the times she had to chose this one...." Ezra thought

Kanan and Ezra took out there lightsaber

The fifth brother decided to say something " there is no way out its better to give up now before you get hurt"

"If we don't fight were still going to get hurt" zeb hissed at them "don't you have anything better to do?"


Chopper got shut off but thanks to a bump or whatever fell on him he got turned on

"Great now I gotta go save them.....again....maybe....injoy the peace and quiet- no I got this my rude attitude will change...sometimes" chopper thought he started to contact ahsoka and the others

Once he got ahold ahsoka asked him 'where are you guys' he senseded the coordinates and now all he could do was wait......

On to the next chapter

Kanan and heraWhere stories live. Discover now