chapter 6 plans

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Hera:kanan try to-

She was cut off by a big-


Kanan:this isn't good

Two inquisitors and agent kallus were coming this way....


Hera and kanan stayed still...not knowing to either hide or just give up right there but of course they wouldn't give up with out a fight........but they saw Ezra,zeb and Sabine walk towards them

Hera:what....are they doing....???

Kanan:not good...not good..

The girl inquisitor went up to each of there faces and all of a sudden they fell...with a "thud"

Guy inquisitor: I guess you shall get the others?

Agent kallus: might I say we double the troops on....Ezra?briger?

The girl inquisitor nodded and said " better safe then sorry"

The fifth brother decided to put in his thoughts "make sure you have the best guarding him "

Girl inquisitor: wound him if you need and if he dies or anyone dose....someone else is going to die and that will mostly be you

Agent kallus: alright....I'll be going now *leaves to gather stoorm troopers*

Guy inquisitor: well...I'll be picking these three up *picks up zeb,Sabine and Ezra and leaves to leave them at there cells*

Girl inquisitor: come on out! There's no where to hide.

No one came out or moved

The seventh sister said "don't make me come in there. Come on out kanan? And your little friend to." Her voice had some kind of flirtish sound to it.... She took out her bright red lightsaber...

......some where else....

Ahsoka: there captured now we gotta find where there at!!-

Rex: just calm down...we'll find them soon

Commander sato: rex is right... we must stay calm........panicking will do us no good. In this situation...... First we must find where they're at...then we shall think how to pass there defenses and there attacks.

Rex: and if what if we put decoy's in the middle? And back?

Ahsoka:that could actually work..they might think we're hiding something in the back and middle-

Commander Sato : but they can also scan the ships

Ahsoka:yea..but we can disguise the ship into each other we just need more of the same ships and ties

Rex: I think that is great idea...but....

Ahsoka:but what?

Rex:we still need to find them....

Commander Sato: then what are we waiting for lets go.

Rex and ahsoka:right!

.............back with kanan and Hera

The seventh sister walked onto the ghost

Girl inquisitor: there's no use in hiding

Kanan: air vents?

Hera:we're to big..... Sometimes being small is good....yea but I got an idea *starts pushing buttons*

Kanan: what are you doing?

Hera:you'll see-

The lady\girl inquisitor starts to bang on the door and says "I'm trying to be nice come on out-"

All of a sudden they all flew out

Hera: hehe

Kanan: ahhh!!

Hera lands on her feet while kanan face plants

"uh..little warning would be nice.,ow..." Kanan said on the new forming bruise on his left side of his cheek

Hera:sorry!! Now let's go before she gets up. *drags Him to any empty room*


Kanan and heraWhere stories live. Discover now