Say It

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3rd of July
(at this point 3 months of knowing Josh)

Lauren's POV

I was with Lisa and she was editing a video we shot yesterday. It's one that we're all really excited about. While I'm watching Lisa edit, I can't help but think about Josh. The way he looked at me with those electric blue eyes and made me feel like I was actually worthy of attention.
Natalie and Lisa have been getting closer, and Jacy, Dani and I have also been getting closer. So my mom thought it would be nice to invite their family to this Fourth of July bbq we are having tomorrow. Lisa must have noticed I was daydreaming because she looked over at me and started giggling while interrogating me.
Lisa-"Whoa who are you thinking about over there Laur? Haha you're in an intense day dream with a big smirk on your face."
Lauren- "Uhmh no one." I started to get nervous that she might start putting pieces together.
Lisa- "No one huh? I mean you were texting Josh until 3 in the morning last night. And I would know because your constant little giggling and looking down at your phone smiling was distracting me from sleeping."
There was an awkward silence because I didn't really know what to say.
Lisa- "Oh my gosh... You like him don't you?"
Lauren- "I don't know. I'm just really confused. But he wants to be friends so I can't like him."
Lisa- "Laur you must really have blinders on. I've seen the way he looks at you. Anytime you start to talk or feel awkward about something he smiles at you like you couldn't even imagine. I could be wrong but I don't think I am. He doesn't look at you like a friend."

All day I couldn't stop thinking about what Lisa said. I could picture his eyes looking back into mine. I kept replaying what he said when we were by the creek. I felt nerves in my stomach when I had talked to him that day. Honestly I hadn't stopped thinking about him since. When I'm around him I feel secure and safe like I could tell him anything without there being any judgement. I could tell that I started to develop feelings for him. Because when we were friends I liked talking to him but now all I want to do is talk to him. I don't know what's going to happen from here.

Night of the 4th of July BBQ

Everyone started arriving at our house around 5. I put on a dress and had my hair curled (see pic above). I've been greeting people politely when they showed up but I was really just waiting for the Comi's to arrive. Finally I saw Christina opening our front door and the Comi family walked in. Josh, his mom, and 4 of his sisters walked in. I walked over and gave him and all his family members a hug and asked them how they were doing. We all walked out to the back yard which is where most people were since all of the food and drinks had been out there. The Comi's had all gone there separate ways. Jacy ran over to Dani while Natalie, Alex and Nina all went over with my older sisters. Me and Josh went and grabbed gatorades then went to go sit down. We obviously weren't by ourselves but we were far enough away so we could talk without everyone hearing what we're saying. That was probably best, because if my sisters (actually just Christina), heard how much we had been flirting she probably would have come and sat right in between us the rest of the night.
It started getting darker after we ate and then people starting shooting fireworks.
Lauren- "Hey do you want to go sit in the front yard?"
Josh-"Yeah let's go." He said smiling at me cheekily.
We lived on a lot of land so our front yard was really big. And I knew we would be alone out there because everyone else was sitting in the back yard. We went and sat in the grass right next to our half circle driveway. Fireworks in Tennessee were way different than in California. They were bigger and more extravagant. I looked over at Josh and he was staring up at the sky with the biggest smile on his face. It made me smile looking at how happy he looked
Lauren- "You look like a little kid when you watch fireworks."
Josh- "Fireworks are the best. You can't tell me that looking at fireworks doesn't make you the happiest person ever."
Lauren- "No I they make me happy. just not as happy as you are right now."
Josh- "Don't judge me Laur." He said laughing at me, but still staring up at the sky that was lit up with fireworks all around.
Lauren- "I'm not. It's cute." Oh my god did I really just say that he was cute in that tone. Friends don't say "it's cute" like that. And it grabbed his attention. His attention moved from the fireworks booming everywhere to me. He looked at me and smiled.
We've both made it pretty obvious that we like each other. But it's like we don't want to say it out loud. Because if we say it out loud then it's real, there's no going back. I could see Josh thinking.
Josh-"I can't do this anymore." He said it in a hushed whisper as if he was saying to himself but it was just loud enough for me to hear.
Lauren-" What?"
Josh-" I just..."
Lauren- "Say it..."

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