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Fast Forward 2 weeks

Lauren's POV

We just got back from tour a few days ago and it was the best experience. Me and Josh are out at this cafe today to talk about the little argument we had while I was gone. I know he felt bad and I wasn't mad because I understand that it wasn't a great day for him. And we had already sort of smoothed things over.
But I just want to know what's going on in his life. I know when things are good. I know when he's happy or mad or excited but it's like he refuses to be sad around me even if deep down I know he is.
The whole time we were in the cafe we were just catching up and I told him everything about the tour and the new music that we were writing. We had finally started talking about that day when we were walking to the car.

Josh- "Laur I know you want to talk about it and I'm so sorry. I was just really overwhelmed and everyone kept asking me questions and trying to tell me what to do. I was just mad and I took it out on you when you didn't deserve it..."
Lauren- "Josh I'm not mad at you for being upset. I'm not mad at all. I just want you to talk to me. I want to know what you're feeling, I don't want to have to guess."
We stopped by the passenger door but before I got in he grabbed my hand to stop me.
Josh-"You want to know how I feel." He leaned in and kissed my lips gently. "I love you... and I know I'm an idiot 99% of the time. I know I'm hard to deal with and I'm stubborn and annoying but I love you. And I can't promise that I'll be even close to perfect. But I do promise that I'll work on being better and more open. Please, I just need you to be patient with me. Because I'm not used to this. But I will be if you give me enough time."
I crashed my lips into his and put my arms around his neck. I pulled back so I could reply.
Lauren- "I love you too. And I really missed being with you every day."
I pecked his lips once more before he opened his passenger door for me.
Josh- "Whoa... I missed you too..like a lot" He said with a flirtatious smirk on his face.

His truck only had 3 seats. I scooted into the middle seat so I could be closer to him. Just being next to him made me feel safe and comfortable. I held his hand that rested on my lap while his other held the steering wheel with a firm grip.
We both had our faults. I know that my life being what it is makes it extremely hard for anyone I could ever be with, but he never complains or makes me feel guilty about not being around all the time. He never complains that my busy life is hard on him even though it can get in the way. And if he is that willing to accept that part of my life not fitting perfect in a relationship then I need to be willing to accept that he also can't be perfect.
I sat next to him thinking about how dorky he is and how easily he can make me laugh even if I'm in a terrible mood. And how he doesn't just tell me I'm beautiful but he actually makes me feel like it's true. He is the person I want to talk to when I'm bored at 2 in the afternoon or cry to on the phone at 2 in the morning when I don't feel like I'm good enough. I trust him. All of that made me think that I didn't want to love anyone besides him.
When I first met him I said that I needed a friend. That I didn't need anything more. But I also didn't know that he could do that much for me. It's a love that's so simple, but so unconditional.

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