3 (Maya)

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From the moment I arrived in Riley's house to where we are right now, which is school, I've noticed that something's bothering her.

She's fiddling through the lock of her locker so I hold her hand tight to stop her from doing what she's doing.

"What's up with you Riley? You've been fidgeting uncontrollably since earlier." I say and I notice her barely subtle look at something behind me. I turn to see what it is but as soon as I do I immediately figure out what's wrong.

Riley looks at me,"Lu- he hasn't asked me t--"

I put my palm up, a gesture to stop her from talking. "Lucas," I point to where Lucas is, "hasn't asked you to the school dance yet. That's why your so anxious." I give her a knowing look.

She nods and then looks down like she's ashamed, "Every other girl in our class has a date and they got asked weeks ago." I stop her and I point to myself. "Maya you got asked multiple times but you refused to go with any of them." She points a finger at me. "You don't count." She stops and stares at Lucas who getting some books in his locker. "I'm not even sure if he will ask me." She leans her head against the lockers then sighs.

I hold both her shoulders to keep her facing me without looking down. "He will ask you. Maybe he just likes to keep it last minute." Or he wants to go alone? Like me? Oh no, just stop Maya. He will ask Riley.

"Maya," she looks straight at me. "The dance is tomorrow. Tomorrow." She exaggerates her voice. "How last minute can he get?"

I decide to just ease her worries by approaching Lucas. "I'm gonna go ask him.

"Maya!" She whisper shouts to try and stop me but I go ahead with it anyway.

I tap Lucas' shoulder, "Huckleberry," I say then he turns around.

"Maya," he greets back then he puts a couple of books in his back. After doing so he turns his attention back to me.

I go straight for it. "Are you gonna ask Riley to the dance or what?" Then I cross my arms.

He looks confused for a split second then composes himself. He faces Riley who is now beside me, "I always just assumed we were gonna go together." See? He did ask her. Stop hoping for something that will never happen. He was always planning to go with Riley. No one else and especially not you.

I turn to Riley to stop myself from showing even the tiniest bit of disappointment. "See?"

Riley smiles then turns to Lucas, "So we're gonna go together?"

"Yeah Riley-- if you want?" He asks, slightly showing shyness as he asks her.

"Yes! Yes! Ye-" I nudge her with my elbow.

"Be cool." I whisper shout jokingly.

She clears her throat then composes herself. "I mean, yes Lucas I would love to go with you." Then a sweet smile appears on her face.

So that happened. Why the heck does it feel like i just got stabbed in the stomach with a knife?


I knock on the door of Riley's house. Mr. Matthews opens the door and he has a shocked look on his face.

"Maya?" He points to me and to the door. "It's been a long time since I've seen you knock on this door without Riley."

"Yeah Matthews. I like changing things up a bit. You know? To keep you on your toes." I say as I do my very best to keep a straight face.

He just chuckles then sits down on the couch to continue whatever it was he was doing. He's used to me being like that with him and I am absolutely thankful that. It's not everyday that someone treats me like he does. He's like the dad I always wanted. Well yeah, until Shawn showed up.

I decide to sit beside Ogie who is beside Mr. Matthews. "What're you doing Og's?" I say as I put my left arm on his shoulders.

"Nothing much," he says cooly. He goes back to playing with bis tablet then he says, "You?"

"Oh nothing much too," I say in the same tone as him. He's adorable. "Just goin' to the school dance. No big deal."

"Oh yeah, the school dance. Riley was all over the house a while ago freaking put about how she looked." He says while laughing as he looked up, as if he was imagining what happened earlier.

"Judging by how you're laughing to yourself right now that it was pretty hilarious." I say before laughing along with him.

"Yeah, yeah it was." He says still laughing a bit. A few moments later I lose all of his attention to his tablet.


"Riley! Come on, just get out of that room already. I'm sure you look great." I assure her.

I've been waiting for half an hour and she's still inside her room. I understand that she's nervous because she wants to look great for Lucas but if we're too late for the dance there will be no Lucas to impress.

"Ril-" I get cut off when the door swings open and I see Riley. She's wearing a simple maroon dress and it's completely her. She didn't go over the top or completely casual. "You look perfect Riley." I say before giving her a hug.

"You really think so?" She asks still unsure whether to feel good about what she wore or to be completely terrified of disappointing Lucas.

"Yes. You look amazing. So quit being nervous because you will be the prettiest one at that party. I tell her sincerely.

"Thank you Maya. But you," she gestures to me, "you look amazing too!"

"Nah, this is just a red dress I borrowed from my mom. She uses it to her more fancy auditions." I shrug the compliment off.

"Well you look great." She says stubbornly before smiling and I can't help but smile back.

"Let's go?" I ask whike gesturing to their front door.

She nods and we start to walk to the door when someone starts knocking.

"Who's that?" Riley asks to no one in particular.

"I don't know." I say before opening the door. When I do, Lucas is the first thing I see. He's wearing a white long sleeve, blue tie, a black coat and some slacks. Simple but why does he look amazing? Oh stop it. "Huckleberry. What're you doing here?"

"Can I come in?" He asks Mr. Matthews and when he nods he enters the apartment. When he does I see Farkle trotting behind him.

"Farkle, you're here too?" I ask, a bit shocked about both of them showing up.

"Yeah," he says as if it's not a surprise that he's here.

"Um, why?" I say, then I give him a questioning look.

"Well I came to pick up Riley so we could go to the dance together." Lucas speaks up then he points to Farkle, " Farkle came 'cause he heard that you," he points to me, "don't have a date."

A feel a look of panic appear on my face, "No. No. I did it on purpose. I didn't want a date."

"It's okay Maya, I'm not forcing you to be my date." Farkle says as he stands beside me. "I just wanted to offer you a ride and also I wanted to escort you to the event like how a normal teenage girl goes to her school dance." Farkle explains.

"Oh, that's actually quite sweet. Thanks Farkle." I say sincerely then I pat his back a little.

"But later on if you would want to danc-" he says with a goofy grin before I cut him off.

"Too far." I say the I laugh.

"Too far." Farkle repeats while laughing.

"So how 'bout that ride?" I ask Farkle before he gestures his hand toward the door.

"Let's go." He lets me go out the door first and we head out.

I hear Riley say goodbye to her parents and when I look back I see her and Lucas holding hands.

Don't think about it Maya. Just enjoy tonight and be okay about whatever happens at the dance.

Even if it hurts.

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