7 (BOTH)

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5 weeks later.

"Hey," I greet Maya as she walks past me.

Zay hits my shoulder lightly. "Five weeks man. It's been five weeks." He says as he holds up his palm up near my face. "I told you to try and show her that you cared about her. Not act the way you act around Riley."

"Dude, I seriously don't know what to do. I think it's just not how Maya and I are." I tell him.

"Exactly. Lucas, showing someone you care about them shouldn't be forced. You'll just feel when it's the right time to show it. So right now, stop this. Just be the way you always are with Maya. Don't act weird around her. You're freaking her out." He chuckles as he pushes me to the classroom.

"I am aren't I?" I chuckle a bit as a turn to push him back.

He nods with a grin on his face as he proceeds to sit on his seat behind me.

I really shouldn't overthink this. Everything between Maya and I are okay, I'm the only one making things weird. If I stop my ridiculousness things should go back to the way they were then this feeling in my chest would go away.

It has to go away.


"Why are you staring at me?" Maya asks, making me snap out of thoughts. I didn't even know I was staring at her.

"Uh, nothing," I immediately focus on the closest thing I could look at, "I was looking at the-- apple!" I accidentally raise my voice. "Yeah, the apple. I was just looking at the apple on Mr. Matthews' desk." I say in a softer tone as I try to look as innocent as I can.

She looks at me in a weird way and just turns around while saying, "Whatever you say weirdo."

I turn to face Zay and I didn't even have to see him to know that he's already silently laughing. When I do look at him, I was right, his shoulders are shaking from trying to hold in his laughter. He stops when he sees me looking at him then he gives me a thumbs up. Cool, now he's making fun of me.


I put my bag on top of the couch in the living room at my house and Zay does the same and he follows me to my room. I jump onto my bed and I sigh as I try to find a position to place my head comfortably on my pillow. When I finally get comfortable I see Zay just standing by my bedside.

"What?" I ask him. I place my hand behind my head to lift my head a bit higher to se him better.

"Dude, you like Maya." He says it with no emotion but realization is clear on his face. "Like you like like her."

I know I like Maya. I've known it for quite some time. The fact that I never told Zay and I just kept it to myself was because I didn't want it to be something. I don't know how it happened but all I know for sure is that liking Maya will never turn out great for my friends. But it is what I feel right now, no question, I can't deny that anymore.

I look at Zay and I nod, "I do."


"Why are you staring at me?" I ask Lucas. For some reason when I turned around he was just looking at me all weird and different. He's been acting so confusing lately.

"Uh, nothing," He replies, obviously trying to act unaffected that I just caught him staring at me. "I was looking at the-- apple!" Wow, he is freaking out. "Yeah, the apple. I was just looking at the apple on Mr. Matthews' desk." What a lame excuse Lucas.

He's cute. What? Stop it Maya.

"Whatever you say weirdo." Was all I could say before turning around and facing the front of the classroom again. I felt my cheeks burning up the moment I had the weird thought that Lucas was cute and I can't let him see that.

But why is he being so weird nowadays? It's like something happened but he's not telling me. Lately it's like I'm Riley whenever he's around me. He can barely say anything, and he doesn't even come up with comebacks to my insults to him.

Is it possible that he lik--? No, it's not. Maya he can't. It's always going to be Riley for him. He's not gonna feel that way towards you. Ever.

There's also one thing I will never do, and that's to hurt Riley. Even if, out of the 1000 reason why Lucas would never ever like me, somehow he does feel the same way there's nothing that could happen because Riley is my best friend. I would never do that to her.


I hear a knock on my door while I'm reading this new book my mom randomly gave me two days ago. I'm on page twelve.

"It's open." I say to whoever it is outside my room. It's probably just my mom cheking up on me.

The door opens and I almost say 'Hi mom' but it's Riley. Why is Riley here?
"Hey Riley," I wave at her as I get off my bed to meet her halfway my room which was a quick thing to do considering my room is extemely small. I hug her and we both walk to my bed and sit down. "What are you doing here Riles? You hate my room." I chuckle a bit.

"I don't hate your room. I got over that." She defends herself.

"Oh really? Is that why you're like a crazy person right now scanning my whole room like you're looking for something 'dangerous'?" I laugh as she continues to look around my room like a weirdo.

She stops and looks me, "Okay I won't." She gives me a look.

"Okay Riley, just tell me why you came here. You are obviously upset about something." I say with an obvious worried tone.

"Maya, I know something and I promise you it's okay. I'm just asking you to please just not contradict me with this." She says with a very serious tone. But I can also see that she's sad and a little bit upset.

"I won't just tell me. It'll make you feel better. I'm just here for you Riley." I run my had up and down her back as an attempt to cheer her up a bit.

What is this about?

She takes a deep breath and I can see a tears welling up in her eyes.

This is bad.

She composes herself then she holds my hand, "Maya, Lucas likes you."

What? Why is she saying this?

She's just looking at me right now like she's waiting for me to say something. The only thing in my mind right now is confusion. Why would she think that the guy who probably doesn't just like her at this point but loves her likes me? This is just Riley being an overthinker.

"Riley this is not true. Stop overthinking about Lucas. He likes you. He might even lo-" She stops me.

"Maya stop. Stop." She looks down for a moment then she looks at me again, now with a tear falling down her face. "You like him too. Right?"

Oh no.

A/N: I'm really sorry this update took long. But it's here. Enjoy!

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