6 (Lucas)

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Favorite couple? My classmates think Maya and I look like a great couple? Never would've seen that coming.

We bicker all the time. I don't even remember the last time I went to school that we didn't bicker. I don't hate it though. At first I had to adjust to it. Back in Texas no one would've ever talked to me like that but Maya isn't scared of me. I thought that after she found out about how I really was in Texas she would stop with the teasing but she didn't. That made me happy.

I want all of my friends to just be themselves with me. I don't want my stupid decisions from the past affect how my life is right now. If Maya likes teasing me, she can tease me anytime and I'll take it. I actually enjoy the moments where I catch her off guard. When she thinks she got to me but I'm just as calm as a turtle.

But earlier when I saw Riley's smile fall completely it broke my heart. I tried to approach her after school but she told me she was tired and just wanted some rest. She didn't even go home with Maya. This whole situation is making her really upset.

Why did my classmates even think that Maya and I look cute together? It's always Riley and I that are hanging out. We go to the movies and we eat out together. I don’t even do that with Maya. It doesn't make sense.

"Lucas!" Zay shouts after pushing me, casuing me to fall in a lying position on my couch at home.

I turn to him shocked, "What the hell?"

"Dude, we're losing this game. You haven't moved your guy in the past ten minutes," he explains.

Oh. I drifted off there. "Oh I'm sorry."

He gives me a questioning look but then it turns to a knowing look. "You're thinking about what happened earlier aren't you?" He smiles knowingly.

"No- Of course I'm thinking about what happened earlier. Zay Riley looked so upset." I try to deny but I know Zay will keep pushing so I just tell him the truth.

"Are you sure that's the only reason you're thinking about it?" He asks in a voice like he's implying something else.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him. I'm so confused here.

"What do you feel about our classmates liking the idea of you and Maya being a couple?" He asks.

"I feel, I don’t know, confused about it? I guess. I don’t really know," I answer him genuinely.

He gives me a look I absolutely do not understand. "Really?" He asks in a almost hugh pitched questioning tone. "You're not even the least bit curious why they think of you and Maya as a couple?"

I am a bit curious. "I guess."

"You know what I think Lucas?" He asks, almost in a rhethorical tone.


"I think Maya is as great for you as Riley is. You just never considered Maya because she's always behind Riley." He explains.

"Are you serious?" I ask him in disbelief. "Have you actually met Maya? Maya is never behind anybody. She's so upfront. You may be mixing Riley and Maya up." I chuckle a bit finding Zay's statement from earlier as far from true.

"Yes she is. Maya is always a step behind Riley, with you." He says as he points to me. "But our classmates still see it you know?" Zay says as he leans his back to the back of the couch.

"What do they see Zay, because honestly right now I am incredibly confused. Riley is completely upset over this and we're talking about Maya." I tell him as I throw my hand up in the air, frustratingly.

"They can see how great you and Maya are together. Whenever you guys bicker and even in those tiny little moments where you actually show that you care about each other, that's where this is coming from." He faces me to hit my head lightly with the back of his hand.

"So you're saying I should stop bickering with Maya? So that all of this will finally go away and Riley would be okay." I ask him genuinely.

He hits me again on the forehead. "Riley, Riley, Riley! Are you serious? Is it always going to be just Riley in you head? Have you ever thought about what Maya feels about this? You and Farkle are exactly the same aren't you? And he even has these claims about loving Riley and Maya equally. But all the both of you keep doing is thinking about how Riley feels and completely forgetting how Maya is." Zay explains with a slight frustration in his voice.

I haven't really given it much thought before. I just always assumed Maya was okay with everything. That she didn't really feel upset over anything.

"You're thinking about it aren't you?" He asks now in a much clamer voice. "You never thought of her that way haven't you?" He asks.

"What way?" I ask in a genuinely curious tone.

"In a way that you see her as girl that gets hurt or upset. She's always giving us this whole facade that she doesn't get affected by anything." He explains.

"Honestly? No. Maya is always so okay about everything. Yeah she gets ticked off about random things but when it comes to how she's really feeling she never doesn't really talk to anyone about it. That's why everyone just worries about Riley instead." I admit to him.

"Lucas, Maya has been through a lot. More than all of us. She's learned how to keep her emotions inside and to just look strong and tough all the time. But you know how you can let yer talk about how she really feels?" He asks me.


"Just sit down with her and ask her." He says like it's something I don't do.

"Zay I do that. I ask her how she is doing when it looks like she's not doing so well. She always just turns my concern for her as a joke." I say.

"But do you ever mean it? Or do you just ask her if she's okay just to tell yourself that you already did your part as a friend?" He asks me with a bit of an accussing look. "Dude, Maya doesn't just open up with just you asking her if she's okay. You have to ease her into telling you. Maya doesn't like showing her emotions. Especially to people who she thinks doesn't really care."

"I do care about Maya. I do." I tell Zay, and I mean it.

"Then show her that you really do man." He says as he hits my shoulder lightly.

I nod, "I will."

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