The x New x Bulter-Illumi Zoldyck

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I stepped inside the gates surrounding the Zoldyck mansion. I was their new butler and worked on defending the family and the mansion.  I was walking to the front gate when I heard a voice "hey you" it said. I spun around and drew my katana and saw an attractive man with long black hair and big black eyes. I glared at him "Leave this place or I will kill you" I said in my most intimidating voice.

He laughed, mocking me "I am Illumi Zoldyck."

I gasped, embarrassed that I had talked to him that way "I'm very sorry sir-" I begain but I was cut off.

"Don't be sorry" he said walking away in the opposite direction. Well that was weird   I thought shaking it off. I kept walking but I couldn't seem to get Illumi off my mind. I kept walking until I found a tree that I could rest in. I climbed to the top and sat down closing my eyes until I drifted off to sleep.
**TimeSkip 2 hours**

"Where is this damn mansion?!" I heard an angry voice below me say. My eyes shot open, ready for a fight. I looked down and saw a group of about five men with weapons from baseball bats to guns. These people were a lot to take on, but I had to fight them. They started walking forward and I jumped from the tree in front of them. "If you don't leave I will be forced to kill you" I said glaring them down. "You?" He laughed "against all of us? Do you have a death wish?" I was scared, not of fighting them, but I was scared of the though of letting these bastards getting to Illumi. I griped my weapon tighter and charged at them with everything I had. I swung my katanas sharp blade toward a tall man with a beard. He got hit on the side of this hips. He started screaming and fell while his "friends" continued to attack me.

After I finished them off I began to feel sick. I had just killed 5 men with my katana. My knees began to feel like jello and I fell to the ground crying. After what felt like hours I could feel someone in front of me. I looked up, my face all red and puffy to see Illumi. "You did well" he said, hand out stretched. I gladly took it and got up. I just stared at him until he kissed me. I was shocked, I didn't know assassins like him could have a friend let alone love someone. I kissed back until he pulled away. "I'm not willing to have you as a friend" he said "but I am to have you as a friend with benefits."

Thank you to FabGrellSutcliff
For requesting this! I apologize this took a long time and for the punctuation/spelling errors. I'm also really sorry if you don't like it. Thank you so much for reading! And have an awesome day!

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