Chapter 3

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"You're the little boy I found in my parents' garage," I said breathless, looking at him with wide eyes.

He nodded. "When they took me to my parents my thoughts went back to you, wondering if you were alright," he said shaky, taking in my long reddish blond hair that goes down to the middle part of my back.

"They didn't even touch me, they were more concerned about getting to you," I said in an even tone, shrugging my shoulders.

I turn and head for my next class fully aware that he was following me. I stopped just shy of the door not quite sure if I can handle another class full of glares.

"I think it's only fare you know my name," he said calmly, studying me.

I turn. "Okay. What is your name?" I asked intrigued.

He smiles. "Nickolas."

"Nickolas," I repeated in a low tone,smiling then looked down.

"Yeah, why?" he asked curious.

I could feel his gaze on me, so I look back up at him and bit my lower lip.

"You have the same name as my uncle," I answered shyly, looking towards the door.

I know we have five minutes until class starts, and apparently he wants to talk to me, but I feel guilty about what happened to him, I sit down on the beach in the hall that's pressed up against the wall and place my head in my hands.

"Emery, I want you to know that what happened that day wasn't your fault," he said sincere, sitting down right next to me.

"Yes, but if I wasn't in the garage they never would've found you," I said a little teary, looking at him.

"I asked you to stay, and you did, there's no way that was your fault," he said in a gentle tone, grabbing my left hand and leads me into class.

I made it through the first set of my classes my seat was always right by Nickolas, I made my way to the crowded cafeteria, where I sat alone at a table that's in the middle of the south wall with a whole bunch of windows.

"My I sit with you," Someone asked in a friendly tone.

I look up and saw Nickolas smiling at me.

"Sure," I answered friendly, smiling back at him.

He sits down opposite of me still smiling, he looks down and a confused expression crosses his face.
"You're not eating?" he asked curious, looking at me then at the table where my tray should be.

"No, I don't really feel all that hungry," I explained, looking out the window.

"Please tell me you're not blaming yourself for what happen when we were little?" he asked worried.

"No," I answered, but I felt like he deserves more of an explanation. "My family's coming out to see us and they don't really get along, and I, unfortunately, don't have any friends to invite to help me get away from it all."

"What about that one boy who was standing next to you?" he asked curious.

I noticed how his voice broke when he said 'boy' and how he looked out the window before looking at me.

"Jackson?" I asked curious, looking at him.

He winced. "Was that who was standing beside you?" he asked in a lifeless tone, looking out the window then looked at me.

I nodded.

"Then why don't...why won't you ask him to go with you?" he asked curious, looking out the window once more.

He was still looking out the window, and I know exactly why I don't want to invite him, is because he'll get the wrong impression and think I like him.

He looked at me when I didn't respond, I swallowed hard. "Because he has things to do with his family as well," I lied, wishing there was someway he could go with me.

I see the relief that crosses his face. "Well you know if you invited me, I'd be more than happy to go," he said happily, nodding toward my father.

"Hey, kids, how you doin'?" my father asked calmly, putting his hands on the back of my chair.

"Well, dad, I was wondering if Nickolas, maybe could come to the family get together?" I asked innocently, looking at him and giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, I don't see why not," he answered in an indifferent tone, patting me on the head.

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