Chapter 10

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"Wow!" I breathed in awe.

The roof was covered in plants from his home planet, the most famous is the blue shockstirra, which looked like a cross between a rose and a berry. The leaves are in the shape of rose petals with a medium berry on top of the stem.

"I'm honored you like our greenhouse we set up," he said happily, grabbing my hand and pulls me over to the side of the building.

"Greenhouse? But I don't see any..." I trailed off.

He touches the invisible barrier that surrounds the plants and top of the building, it flash blue, red, and purple before returning back to the invisible state.

"We built this place from a few pieces from our ship so that way no humans can see what we grow in here, and we need some of this for medicine. We can get a disease that is fatal to our kind I've had it once when I was a child shortly after I was given that shot, and my father believes it was in my weakened state and that small cut that allowed the disease to take place," he explained calmly, glancing at me than over at a vibrant red and yellow plant.

I look down the whole reason why he got that shot is because of me, and the panicky humans that fear them. I should've forced myself to stay awake and leave him, instead I was weak.

"Emery," Nicholas said softly, gently taking my hand. "It wasn't your fault. I was the one begging you to stay, and I was the one to stand in front of you to protect you from harm."

"Yes it was. All of it was my fault, if I would've just stayed awake you would have been taken to your family unharmed."

"Emery, look at me," Nicholas urged, pulling me along with him.

I slowly lift my head and meet his gaze. He smiles a little and pulls a petal off a dark green and sparkly teacup shaped flower, tearing it in half he then hands me a piece. It's silky soft and shiny like gloss paint, and it smells like lemon and mint.

"It's called farrarisa, we use it in cooking. It's very spicy and full of flavor, and it go goes amazing with sharina."

"Sharina?" I asked curious.

Nicholas walks over to a small gray table and retrieves two glass upside down pyramids with purple and white liquid.

"I prepared it for us. I thought it would be nice to have something to drink while we talked about your gift," he said calmly, handing me a glass.

"Thanks," I replied in a low tone, taking the cup from him.

"Well, go head and try the farrarisa and the sharina," Nicholas encouraged.

I take a small bite from the farrarisa plant, its flavor is like a jalapeño, moka, lime, and chocolate with a hint of cinnamon. It seems impossible that one plant could taste like so many things, but it does. It not as hot as a jalapeño, but spicier than any pepper that I ate.

"I can see why you like to use it for cooking."

" I would recommend that you get a drink before your mouth starts to burn from the spiciness of the farrarisa."

I take a sip at his urging, and the flavor is like cotton candy, apples, orange juice and sugar.

"How is it?" Nicholas asked curious.

"Rich, but good. I think I could drink it all the time," I answered excited.

He laughs. "That's good to hear."

I smile and look up at the moon, there are a few stars visible to night do to the city lights lighting up the night. I feel Nicholas grab my hand, and pull me away from the side of the green house.

"Now what did your grandma tell you about your gift?"

I take a deep breath and sit down on one of the chairs that are near the building's door, Nicholas sits down next to me. I tell him every thing that my grandmother said, and how I felt about it, and that it was her that was hanging from the cliff.


After I finish answering his questions and telling him what I know, he leans back and looks up at the sky. He stays under moving with a far off look in his eyes, feeling like someone was watching me I look around me worried someone else is on the roof with us.

"It's alright, Emery," Nicholas said calmly, taking my hand into his. "Nobody's here except for us."

I look at him and see him watching me with concern written on his face.

"I don't think I can do this," I whispered.

"Do what?" he asked curious.

"Help the deceased move on to a better life," I replied, still whispering.

"Your grandmother thinks you can, and I know you can," he reminded gently.

"What if there's nothing I can do to help them? What if they're more miserable than before, because I didn't know what to do?" I asked panicked.

"Hey, calm down. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it," he said softly, pulling me in for a hug.

I wish I was that confident, but how can I be when their peace rest in me, and I'm the only one who can help them get it.

"I've looked into books and the web, but I haven't found any solid proof that there's anything that can help you with your gift. It mainly consists of myths and and fictional stories, and maybe you could find something that may help you out," he encouraged.

"Maybe, but who knows. Right now I think it's best to do this..."

"One step at a time," he finished my sentence. "And each time you get closer to find out something that you can do, let me know."

I smile. "Will do. So what are the title of the books you've looked at?"

He smiles. "I have the list right here," he said calmly, holding a piece of paper out to me.

"Thanks. I think this will come in handy, and luckily I have some money saved up so I purchase some of these in case they're not at the library or they're not open."

"Good thinking."

"What do you mean Emery isn't home?" my father's voice boomed. "Where is she then?"

We both look at each other startled.

"Are you sure she's not there?" my father asked irritated. "No. Why would she be here?"

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