Chapter 9

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"I'm scared. I don't know why, but I'm afraid that I won't be strong enough to take what she tells me."

He grabs my hand. "I promise that I'll do whatever it takes to help you," he said sincere.

The bus driver slams her hand down on the horn, we both jump and wince when we see the teachers' and bus driver's angry expressions. I sigh inwardly wish that he didn't have to get locked away like some sort of animal, with some effort I manage to loosen my fingers around his hand.

"Tonight I'll help you, but you'll have to tell me what your grandmother says about this gift you've got," he said in a rush, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"I'll be there. But I don't think this is a gift, more like a curse," I whispered sadly, squeezing his hand back.

"Good," he replied relieved, giving my cheek a quick peck. "I doubt it's a curse."

I drop my hand to my side, watching him turn around and climb onto the bus. He takes a seat by the window and stares at me with a frantic gaze, even when the bus turns out of the drive of the school grounds he turns so he's looking out the back window at me. I keep my eyes on him until the bus is out of sight, the school grounds are completely deserted I head for the forest following my grandmother's ghost.

She doesn't slow or look over her shoulder to see if I'm keeping up, and every time I ask her where we're going she never answers.

"This has to happen, it has to stop. There's no other way," she muttered to herself for the ninth time.

The way she leads me is getting thicker with bushes, limbs, roots, leaves, shrubs and moss. The bushes also seemed to get bigger and uglier, the sounds that started out was quiet and peaceful, but with every passing step that I take the noise is blaring and ear- splitting. The air has also become more murky, not to mention I'm getting a bad and sickening feeling that she's leading me into a trap. I feel like I should turn around and make a run for it, but whenever I turn to look back the way we came I get lost and confused.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked panicked, looking around me.

She looks over her shoulder at me. "Where it all began."

"And where's that?"

"A little ways ahead."

I stay quiet not wanting to give her any excuse to get angry at me, or to make her vanish and leave me here on my own. She's my best bet to get out of here alive and in one piece.

"We're here," she announced.


"Where I slipped off the cliff and was left hanging around waiting for help. My father found me there five minutes after I fell, but those five minutes were excruciating. He managed to pull me up, and my mother was there screaming her head off. In the end I got off fairly easy, I was chewed out for three days after the accident, and grounded for three weeks. But I didn't die that day, and because my father was able to save me I was able to grow older and have kids of my own, not to mention grandchildren," she takes a deep breath."Now on to my explanation. The reason you saw me hanging from that cliff . . ." she points to the edge of a rocky cliff. "Is because I was reach out for help. You have a gift that is rare, unique, and there's going to be people who won't believe you. I had to wait until your gift surfaced. Before I could make contact with you. Some ghosts you'll hear, but won't ever see, and some, like myself, you'll see and hear. But no matter which one comes to you you'll always get those visions, and you'll feel what they felt. Pretty much you'll be in their shoes, until you're able to help them move on," she explained slowly.

I sink to the ground waiting to catch my breath, sitting on my legs watching my grandmother kneel down beside me.

"Are you okay?" she asked concerned, reaching out to touch my shoulder, however, her hand went right through.

"How did you manage when you were told about this?" I asked breathless.

"I screamed saying they were crazy, that I'm normal, and I don't need a straight jacket. But I stumbled upon my gift alone, and I had two souls that need my help. I ran home apologizing, and begging for help. My mother helped me out with them, and the next few ghosts after that. I paid attention to all the tips and techniques she gave me, and even when she taught me everything she knew I still ran to her when I ran into problems that I couldn't figure out, and together we helped them find peace."

"Can dad do what you and I do?"

"No. For some reason males can't see or hear what the females can. And every time I tried to have a little girl I always miss carried. But I'm here now and I'm not ever going to leave you, and I now you're going to have trouble along the way, also you can glimpse into the future."

"But if you never leave doesn't that mean you'll never be truly at peace. I couldn't ask that of you."

"You're not asking anything of me. I'm not leaving you knowing how difficult this can be, how alone you really are."

"I love you, Grandma."

"And I love you."


I'm outside the Mesaroles sliding the loose boards to the side, slipping through and putting the boards back. Nickolas isn't here making me nervous that something might have come up and he's unable to make it, and I can't go back outside the wall because the guards are on the other side laughing and talking to one another.

"I can't believe they still think that they aren't going to get a shot at humanity," one of the guards said to the others.

"People can be so self absorbed sometimes," another replied.

"Emery?" someone whispered.

I turn and look to see who was taking to me, stand before me is my father. He's looking at me with a concerned and worried expression, slowly crossing his arms over his chest and walks over to me.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded in a hard tone, backing me into a corner.

"I-I thought you might be able to help. I'm afraid I'm not good enough to be considered your daughter anymore, and I wish I could take back getting on the roof. I am so sorry," I responded nervous, looking down at the ground than at him.

"Yeah, I know you're sorry, but you can't go back in time and do it all over again. You made your bed now lie in it. If you think for one second that you deserve to get wrapped in our arms and hear us say we love you and no matter what you do we approve of it, like sneaking inside here. Go home and go to your room," my father said angrily, storming back the way he came.

As I watch him go I sink down and rest my back against the shipping containers, leaning my head back on a rusty red one and close my eyes. I should have waited until I was certain that Nicolas was on the other side, and I should've been paying more attention to who was talking to me.

I feel someone touch my cheek, opening my eyes I see Nicholas frowning, and looking anxious like the world was coming to an end or something.

"What did she say?" Nicholas asked through stiff lips.

"I'm going to be her pupil and she going to stay with me and help me out as best as she can," I sum up as much as I could.

"Come on, I'll so you to the place where I like to hang when I'm stuck in here," he said calmly taking me hand.

We stick to the back of the buildings and stay in the shadows until we reach a door a slightly brown, rusty colored shipping container that you sometimes see on ships. He opens a rusty steel door, and motions for me to go through first.

"So what do you think?" he popped the question as we step out of the staircase and on to the roof.


Thank you for taking time to read this. I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry I didn't update it sooner, but I wasn't feeling well, and I had family and school bothering me.

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