Chapter 12

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"A year that's harsh," Nicholas said quietly.

"Yeah," I whispered. "But there were things I had planned, and then there's a event that I had planned for kids and teens going through cancer."

"Oh, what kind of event is it?" he asked curious.

"It's nothing that special or big. I started a group, and got blessed with people who are willing to pitch in and come up with coloring pages, little goody bags, and cute hair accessories. As for the boys we picked up some model cars."

"So it's just something that you're hoping will make their day a little brighter."


We near the entrance to the school, but I stop just shy of the double glass doors. Nicholas looks where I'm looking, and steps closer to me than takes my hand.

"What is it?" he asked softly, tugging my hand and leads me away from the door.

"My grandmother is watching us, and I think she knows that I'm sharing a secret even my family doesn't know," I answered in a whisper.

"Is she angry about that?" he asked curious, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"I-I don't know," I studder, looking at the entrance to the school.

"Does she look angry or can ghost even change facial features?" Nicholas asked in a whisper.

"I don't know. I think they can," I answered in a low tone, taking a step toward the door.

"Hey, don't you want to talk to her?"

I shake my head and let go of his hand. "No time, if we don't get a move on we're going to be late to class."

"Right, of course. But after school you should really talk to her, and get to know everything you can about this," he urged in a low tone, gently taking my hand in his.

I nod. "Of course I will, but I'll admit that I'm scared that I'll just screw up everything for the person coming to me for help and for the person that lost their loved one," I replied softly, looking around me.

"You'll do fine," he assured me.

"I wish I could have your confidence," I whispered, than sigh softly.

We walk in silence to our first class, and quietly take our seats in the back. The morning classes are just a blur, and my mind keeps turning over everything that I leaned from my grandmother.

"Salad?" Nicholas asked curious, looking at my lunch. "Are you sure you're not feeling well?"

"I'm fine," I reassured him. "I'm just not that hungry."

"Emery, what's bothering you?"


"I think I've spent enough time with you to know when something is wrong."

I sigh heavily. "I've been think about all this, about what's going on with me. I keep having this gut turning feeling all morning like something is going to happen, something really bad. Plus I'm having chills, like some one is waiting for us, or more so for me," I explained in a rush, glancing around the lunch room.

"Look whatever it is, just know I'll be here to look after and protect you, okay?"

I nod.

We finish eating and make our way to our next class, and walk in a minute late. The teacher glares at us, and points to the back of the class. Nicholas sits on the right near the wall while I sit beside him.

"Don't tell her," a woman's voice whispered in my ear.

I jump and look around me, than toward the wall where Nicholas is sitting. He's watching me with a worried expression, and mouths are you okay. I nod than go back to listening to the teacher, well more like pretending to pay attention.

"She mustn't know, and find out what's stacked against her. Do not tell her," the woman whispered urgently.

I try to ignore it and keep my eyes forward, but someone stands in front of my desk and stares down at me.

"If you tell her, she dies," she whispered softly, looking over her shoulder at the teacher. "Don't tell her."

I jump out of my seat and run toward the front of the room, and make a break for the door.

"Emery, where do you think you're going?" the teacher demanded, tapping her foot.

I don't respond in my attempt to get away from the woman, and find my way to safe ground. By the time I make it out side I'm cry, and can barely see where I'm going. I take a sharp left and head into the woods, and don't stop until I'm far enough away that nobody can find me.

"Emery, wait up," Nicholas yells.

I look over my should and see him running towards me.

"What happened back there?" he asked breathless, seizing my arm.

"I...uh," I pause unable to finish.

"Where were you running off to?"

I down at the ground. "I don't know. I guess someplace safe, and nobody has a sliver of hope in finding me."

He nods. "But what if you were to get lost out here and couldn't find your way back home?"

I look away from him.

"If you were to disappear your family would be worried-"

"No they wouldn't, if any thing they probably would have had a big celebration if it did happen," I said aggravated, cutting him off.

"Maybe, but do you know who else would have been worried, sickened even if you disappeared?" he asked agitated, placing his fingers under my chin and brought my face to look at him.

I meet his gaze and shrug. "No," I whispered.

He takes a deep breath. "Me. I'd be worried sick about you, you're important to me and I never ever want any harm to come to you," he said sincere, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

"I'm so sorry, but I had to get out of there."

I pull away from him and walk further in, and he follows suit. I'm not ready. It's too soon to have one that's already needing my help. What should I do? How do I help her?

"Emery, will you please tell me what happened during class to make you jump up and run out in the middle of class."

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