Chapter 2: Kids?!?!?

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That's what Anakin said when I told him. He had just come back from a mission, in which he rescued the Chancellor from General Grevious. Upon their arrival, he had come looking for me. He started as soon as he saw C-3PO talking to R2-D2 about the space battle that had taken place just before reaching the star ship containing Grevious and Palpatine. He had been gone five months, and I was worried sick about him. I voiced my concern to him as soon as I saw him. " I was so worried about you!" I cried. "You've been gone for five months, and there were whispers that you were killed!" "I'm okay, Padme. Look at me! I'm okay!" He said, shaking me gently by the shoulders. He looked at me and saw my tear-stained face. "Are you okay, Padme? You're trembling." He asked, his voice full of concern. "I'm just happy to see you." I lied, faking a smile on my face; Anakin wasn't fooled. "I sense there is more than what you're telling me." He chided. He paused. "Is there someone else?" "No!" I cried. "It's just... Ani, I'm pregnant!" He stared at me in shock. "You're...pregnant?!?!?" He exclaimed. "Yes!" I replied. "We're going to have children!" Anakin, in pure joy, picked me up and swung me around. "This is fantastic!' He shouted. "We're going to have a baby! This is the happiest day of my life!" And, I couldn't agree more. Little did we know that it would cause problems that were unthinkable....

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