Chapter 3: The Change

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I was about a month away from my due date; I was worried. Anakin told me of the dream he had the night before, about me dying in childbirth, and I was afraid, for Anakin, for my child, and for myself. I assured him it was only a dream, but I was still afraid... that it would come true... Anakin, without my knowledge, consulted Palpatine about how to save me from his dream, only to discover that Palpatine was the Sith lord Darth Sidious, who tried to persuade Anakin to join the dark side of the Force. Anakin refused for my sake, but still thought about the offer often. He then told Mace Windu that Palpatine confessed to him that he was a Sith. Mace, outraged by this disturbing piece of news, went after Palpatine, ordering Anakin to stay where he was in the Jedi Temple. Angered by Mace, Anakin tried to calm himself down by meditating. His love for me was so strong, he created a Force connection with me, and I tried in vain to calm him down, which, in the end, would lead to his downfall. "I love you Anakin. And before I die, I want you to know that..." was all he heard. In agony, convinced that I was dead, he rushed to the fight scene between Mace and Palpatine."Anakin! Stop him! I am too weak." Palpatine cried to Anakin. "Skywalker, stay out of this!" Windu barked. Anakin looked from one to the other, confused. "I am the only way to save the one you love, Anakin." Palpatine said, desperate to corrupt him. Anakin swallowed, then knocked Mace Windu's lightsaber out of his hand, thus making him unable to resist another blast of Force lightning from Palpatine, which threw him out of the window and sent him sprawling to the pavement hundreds of feet below." "What have I done?" Anakin asked, panting. Palpatine smiled at him evilly. "You are fulfilling your destiny." He said. "I will do whatever you ask." Anakin said, kneeling before the sith. "Learn the ways of the dark side. It is the only way to save Padme." Palpatine said darkly. Anakin then took the pledge of the Sith, which reads as follows:

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

Anakin wholeheartedly took the pledge with the assurance that it  would save me from death. What he didn't know, because Palpatine didn't tell him, was that it wouldn't.... But, he did tell him..."Henceforth, you shall be known as... DARTH VADER."


I was pacing back and forth in my apartment, worrying about Anakin; He still hadn't returned from the Temple. I was afraid that something had happened to him while he was there. "Stop worrying." I told myself. "If you stress yourself out, you can harm your unborn child." I tried in vain to calm myself down, to no avail. I was still stressed out, so I decided to go lay down for a while in my room. I went upstairs, laid down on my bed, and tried to get some sleep; I needed to rest, otherwise something might happen to me or the child.

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