Chapter 5: The Truth and The Confrontation: Part 2

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I hurried into the cockpit as fast as I possibly could. I had to get to Mustafar as soon as possible. I went into hyperspace and made my way towards the lava planet, hoping that Anakin was still there... He was. Little did I know that I was being followed by Obi-Wan in his starship. I landed and immediately saw Anakin running to meet me at the port. I hastily removed my seat belt and helmet and left the ship. And instantly, I found myself in his arms. "It's all right. You're safe now." He murmured in my ear. "Anakin, I need to ask you something..." I started. "Obi-Wan told me terrible things and I need to know the truth." Anakin stiffened and pulled away. "What kinds of things?" He ventured, the anger clear in his eyes. "That you killed... younglings." I stammered. "Is that,... is that true?" Anakin looked at me accusingly. "Obi-Wan is trying to turn you against me, isn't he?" He yelled, angered by the question. "No!" I said. "I'm just concerned... about you. Anakin, you're a good person, please don't do this! You're breaking my heart and going down a path I can't follow. Obi-Wan was right... you have changed." I looked at him, pleading as I put my hand on my abdomen. "Come away with me, and help me raise our child," I was saying as I gazed into his now yellow eyes. "I love you..."Anakin didn't answer. Instead, he looked behind me and yelled "liar!" I turned and saw Obi-Wan behind me. "You've turned her against me!" Anakin accused of him. "You have done that yourself." Obi-Wan said in response to his anger. Suddenly, I found myself choking, unable to breathe. "Anakin, don't! Don't kill our child!" I tried to say, but I couldn't because my air was cut off by Anakin's force choke. "Let her go, Anakin." Obi-Wan demanded. Anakin, still angry, threw me across the port, releasing me. That's the last thing I remembered before I passed out.

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