Chapter 6: Luke and Leia (As Told by Obi-Wan Kenobi)

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Padme was still unconscious when I put her on my starship and when I brought her to the medical center. I left her to the medical droids, trusting that they could cure her from whatever ailment she was suffering from. Yoda and I sat outside of her room with Bail Organa, the senator from Alderran and a good friend of Padme's, hoping that she they would be able to help her. As we looked at her deathly still form on the bed, one of the droids came out and spoke to us. "Medically, she is completely healthy," it said. "But for reasons we can't explain, we are losing her." "She's dying?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "How... why?" "We don't know why. All we know is that she's lost the will to live." "I know why," I thought. "Anakin has broken her heart by turning to the dark side." "We need to act quickly if we are to save the babies." The medical droid said. "Babies?!?!?" I exclaimed. "She's carrying twins?!?!?" "Yes," they replied. "A boy and a girl." "Save them, we must," Yoda spoke up behind me. "Our last hope to restore the Jedi Order, they are." The medical droids bobbed their consent and went back into the room. I joined them, hoping that I could be of some comfort to Padme. I held her hand as the droids delivered the first of the babies; a boy. Padme stirred and strained to brush the forehead of her son. "Luke." she murmured. Then, the droids delivered the second of the babies; a girl. Padme stirred again, brushed her daughter's forehead and murmured "Leia..." "You're have twins Padme," I said anxiously. "They need you, please hang on!"  She looked at me weakly. "I... can't..." she said. She held up the japor snippet Anakin carved for her. "Save your energy." I told her, but she still held it up like a trophy. "Obi-Wan, there is good in him" she whispered. "I know there is... still..." As she uttered those words, I could feel her spirit slip away. I bowed my head in sadness. I don't know if my tears were for Padme, my lost friend, or both.

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