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emily povz!

 I snuggled my head depper into the pillow....a very hard pillow might i add! I slowly opened my eyes to come face to face with a rock hard chest. I sat up alramed as i looked down at a sleeping Jake. We didn't you know..

I looked down at my lower parts to see i was naked. Everything that happened last night came rushing back to me. The moans...and the plessure...

oh my god! I made a huge mistake. Question is did we use a condom?

My eyes travled to the ground. I sighed in realif when I saw a used condom on the ground. I untangled myself from Jake. Feeling nasty all over for giving in to Jake. I made my self look like i was easy to get in bed with! I ran up to my room slaming the door. I sat on my bed grabbing my phone as I went to grab some close from my closet to take a shower. I dailed Dahvie's number.

"come on answer!" i muttered on the 7th ring. soon it went to voice mail. I growled.

" Dahvie call me as soon as you get this please!! I made a huge mistake last night and I need you right now.." my voice broke at the end. I hang up walking into my personal bathroom. I sat my clothes on the counter as I jumped into the shower.

half an hour later I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. My phone rang making me jump. I quickly answered it when I saw Dahvie's name.

" Dahvie I need you right now!" I said quietly feeling like i was going to cry.

" Emie calm down I'm outside waiting for you" His voice calmed me down. I took a deep breath.

" I love you buddie" I said before hanging up.I slipped on my Osiris' . I ran down the stairs hoping I won't run into Jake. Luck was on my side because he was still sleeping. I tip-toed to the fornt door. Slipping out quietly.

Dahvie stood at the end of my driveway. I ran towards him,jumping on him.I warped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I burried my face in his neck breathing in his secent.

"whoa emmie,calm down!" Dahvie exclaimed while gripping my legs so i wouldn't fall.

" I made a huge mistake,Dahvie. I gave in to him! I'm so stupid!!" I mumbled in to his neck,squezzing myself closer to him.

"your not stupid Emmie! " dahvie said. i lifted my head up to stare into dahvie's contact-red eyes.

"than prove it.." I whispered as i lightly pressed my lips to his. It felt like fireworks were exploding through my body. He kissed me back hard as he flipped us over so my back was pressed against his car. His tounge slipped into my mouth tangling with my tounge. I pressed harder against him as lust started to take control of me. i pulled back gasping for breath.

Dahvie continued to kiss my neck,sucking on my soft spot. i moaned as i pressed his lips hard against my neck so he wouldn't stop. he gripped my hips sucking harder.

I heard a growl as Dahvie was ripped off of me. I gasped as I almost fell to the ground But caught myself just in time. I watched as Jake threw Dahvie to the ground.

"don't touch her! EVER!" Jake growled,looking like he was ready to kill.

"Jake!" I yelled. Pushing him back.

"move Emily! I'm gonna kill him" he said pushing me back. Oh no he didn't!

"No,you won't lay a finger on MY boyfriend!" I hissed,turning around. i walked over to Dahvie who had himself proped up on his elbows. I knelt beside him,caressing his cheek.

"are you okay?" I asked softly. He nodded as I helped him up. I grabbed his hand leading him to his car.

" Lets go" I said as I slipped in the passenger side! Dahvie jumped in behind the wheel.

Ten minutes later we pulled up to his apartment complex. I slid out of the car. I grabbed Dahvie's hand as we walked up to his apartment he shared with Jayy. Our arms swang a little bit as we walked.

" so, i'm your boyfriend now?" Dahvie asked with a riased eyebrow. I blushed looking down.

" I guess so. But that's only of you want to that is!" I mumbled. Dahvie put a finger under my chin, lifting my face up.

" ofcourse I want to be your boyfriend" Dahvie whispered before giving me a soft kiss. he broke the kiss leading me inside. I froze as I saw Jayy making out with his boyfriend danile. Uh, can someone say akward?

An evil smile made its way to my face. I let out a scream as I charged toward Jayy. I jumped on him, sending us both to the ground.

" ugh,emmie" Jayy grunted. I giggled. He flipped over so i was stardling his hips. He sat up so i slid down a bit and was on his lap.

"now you gotta pay" Jayy said as he started to tickle me! He knew I was super ticklish! Jerk!

"stop" I laughed. Jayy laughed at me with his cute little gay laugh. After awhile it started to hurt.

"jayy.. it's starting to ahaha..hurt!" I manged to say. He stop as soon as i said it.

" i'm sooo sorry Emmie! i just got a little carried away!" Jayy rambled. I just smiled wramly to ressure him it's ok. I walked over to dahvie warping my arms around his waist. Dahvie gave me a quick kiss.I smiled turning towards jayy. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were wide with shock.

Oppsie!! i forgot Jayy didn't know we were together!


sooooo? plz tell me wht u think!! thank u alot!! and pic of yummy dahvie!! XD ---->

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