i don't deserve you!

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I sighed as I sat upside down on the couch with my feet resting on the back of the couch as i watched spongebob. Okay I might have a slight obssesion with spongebob,but hey who deosn't love a a yellow sponge that can talk?

"Spongebob square pants, spongebob, square pants, sponge bob square pants!!!" I sang with patchy. I giigled like an idoit causing myself to fall.

"oppf!" I grunted as I fell face first to the ground.. I heard foot steps coming towards me.

" Eimly are you ok?" Jake asked. At first I just stared at him before bursting out in a fit of giggles rolling around the floor. I stopped for a second than contiued.( this is really fun to do btw! I do it a lot when im hyped on sugar! XD now back to the story!!)

 Once I calmed my giggles I sat up And stared up at an amused  Jake.

" whaa do ya want big head" I asked grinnin' lik a fool!

" We need to talk" Jake said turning serious. I let out a little whine.

" noooo!! I don't wanna!" I whined as I got on my hands and knees and started to crawl away.

" Emily come on please!" Jake begged, grabbing my waist and lifting me up. I wiggled in his hold.

" fine! but just put me down! jeesh!" I said as he sat me down lightly. We sat on the couch,facing each other.

" so Emily, about last night. I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done that. I have been a selfish jerk to you lately and i'm sorry. And if you don't love me like I love you than i'll...." He gulped trying hard not to cry,which made my heart ache to see.

" Than i'll leave you alone. I won't try anything on you. I won't even talk to you if you want." He whispered as he slowly got up.

You would think I would be jumping for joy knowing that I didn't have to deal with him,but truth is I still love him. But than I love Dahvie ,too! Oh Jinxx! This is so confusing! Before I could think twice. I got up and ran towards jake's room. I slam the door open to see him staring out the window, a single tear sliding down his cheek. I cupped my hands around his face.

"Emily wha-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. Our lips moved in sync with each other. He gripped my hips. Lightly pushing me back till my back hit the bed. He slipped his hands up my shirt , lightly pushing up the fabric so my stomach was exposed. He slowly licked down.  He kissed my navel than kept going down. Once to my skinny jeans he quickly   pulled them down. I closed my eyes as I felt his teeth pulling down my panties.

An Image of Dahvie popped in my eyes. Oh my sweet butter cup! What am I doing?!

" stop please." I whispered before he could pull my panties all the way down. I slowly opened my eyes. I could already feel the tears in  my eyes. i quickly got up. I pulled up my skinnys and pulled down my shirt. I ran out of the room and into my room across the hall. I fall on my bed and started to cry. Dahvie didn't need me! He should have a girl friend who wouldn't cheat on him.

the ringing of my cell phone pulled me from my thoughts. When I heard Dahvie singing .

"You are my light and dark,

The ever-shining spark.

You are my other half,

You always make me laugh.

You are my dearest friend,

Forever 'till the end.

We're simply meant to be,

For it is plain to see... "

I sarted to cry even harder! I quickly calmed my self down and answered the phine.

" hello" my voice was a  clear give away I was crying.

" Emmie what's wrong?" Came Jayy's voice.

" nothing!' I said quickly.

" come on Emmie! I'm down stairs" he said before hanging up. I slowly got up.I walked down the stairs. I turned to see Dahvie and Jayy sitting on the couch. I felt like brusting into tears when I saw Dahvie.

"Emmie! what happened!" Dahvie exclaimed. He quickly pulled me into a hug.  I let out a little sob before pulling away.

" I don't deserve you" I said softly. The hurt look on his face hurt me more than I thought it would.

"why?" I sighed might as well tell them. so there I was telling them everything. About having sex with Jake than Making out with him today. The looks on Dahvie face went  from hurt to angry.

" I'm gonna kill him!" Dahvie growled. before stroming up the stairs.

oh sweet ice cream!


hmm I didn't rly lik this chappie! any way... comment plz! and all my fans will be dedicated in one of my chappies!!! lovie u!

pic of  abby on side! I realized i havnt post a pic of her yet! ahaha

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