I see you!

670 8 14

  I could barely sit still as Jake drove towards the warp tour concert. When we got there I  instantly had butterflies i my tummy! heheheh tummy is a funny word.

" Come on Emily" Jake said. I nodded getting out. We waited in line gave the person our tickets than made our way to the stage. According to the thing  Blood on the dance floor will be the third band ( srry if im not sayyin wht they really do since i hav never been to a warp tour concert!)  We pushed our way to the fornt. After Hellogoodbye and 3oh!3 had played They finally came out. I watched as Dahvie froze when his eyes landed on me. I  gulped. What was I suppose to do? wave? I watched as his eyes traveled to Jake. I watched as angry filled his eyes.

" Well, If it isn't my ex!" Dahvie said into the mic with an evil smile. I gulped again.

" Come on Emmie! Get up here!" Dahvie held out his hand for me. I took his hand with a shakey hand. He pulled me up. i stumbled up on stage but Dahvie caught me before I could fall.

" So Emmie what brings you here! With the guy you cheated on me with!" Dahvie said it mare as a statement than a question.

" I-i-I Came to see you" Carp I stuterred!. Dahvie rolled his eyes.

" Why would I want to see you?" Dahvie sneered, I put my head down feeling the tears coming.

" Well than I'm sorry that you didn't want to see me!" I yelled at him before jumping off the stage and pushing my way through the crowd.

" Emmie wait!" Jayy's voice yelled. I shook my head. I felt someone grab my shoulder causing me to stop. I looked to see Jayy.

" Emmie ignore him! " Jayy said as he gave me a hug. I started to sob against his chest.

" I just want him back! I love him so much!" I clenced his shirt. He rubbed my back.

" I know Emmie. And he still loves you!"I was about to reply when Dahvie's voice caught in.

" Come on Jayy we got a show to do! Not feel sorry for some slut!" Dahvie said with a chuckle.

 I felt more tears in my eyes. I grabbed Jayy's mic from him.

" You know what Dahvie! I think it was a good thing I broke up with you! Your just a hateful bastard. And I'm Happy to admit I hate you more than I have ever loved you!" I know it was a lie but I didn't care!  I handed Jayy his mic . I just put my head down and walked away. Maybe I was cursed so I could never find love! I let only a few tears slip.

" Emily are you okay?" I heard Jake ask. I suddenly felt angry towards him. It was his fault! Everything was his fault!. I turned around and glared at him.

" Why  can't you just leave me only Jake! It's your fault that Dahvie broke up with! Why i'm feeling this pain Jake! You don't know how bad I want him Back! I would kill to have him back! I fucked up and now I regret it! I just want him back!" I yelled at him before letting out a sob and closing my eyes. I opened them to see Jake with a hurt expression.

" Emily i'm sor-"

" No! I don't want to hear it! I just want you to leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled. He put his head down before walking back towards the concert. I quickly found a bench. I brought my legs to my chest. I rested my forehead on my knees. I began to sob. I'm such a wreck! why would any guy want me! I cry way to much! All I know is that I want Dahvie back!

" Emmie?" Speak of the devil! I slowly put my head up. I took in a sharp in take of breath. There stood Dahvie looking as hot as ever.

" Hi" I said emoitionless. I saw his eyes sadden. He sat down beside me.

" Emmie..." He said slowly. I took a deep breath. His voice always made my heart pound  10 times faster. I looked it his contact red eyes.

" I'm sorry Dahvie for every thing! What I said Back there was all a lie! I don't want to lose you Dahvie! I want you back so much! My heart aches for you every night! I cry ever night for you! Please don't leave me again!" I blurted. I warpped my arms around his neck while snuggling my face in his chest. He warpped his arms around ,my waist burying his face in my shoulder.

" I will never do that to you again! I never want to lose you Emmie. I love you and want you back!" Dahvie whipered. I just nodded.

' But I think we should just be friends for awhile and see where the leads us." I said pulling back put still had my arms warpped around him. He smiled nodding before pecking my lips.

" friends with benifits!" Dahvie said. I giggled.

" Always a pervert!" I laughed he smile before pecking my lips again.

" Ofcourse!" I laughed again.

I hope nothing else goes wrong!!


 I loved this chappie! especially the ending!!






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