Why did you break me heart!

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 The next morning I found myself sitting on the couch beside Jake. My mom and Dan sat acroos from us.

" Now you know you guys must be punished for what you do right?" Dan asked. I was really starting to hate him. We both nodded.

" Well Jake you may not be able to leave this house for the rest of the summer." My mom said he just nodded.

: and Emily you may not go on tour with Dahvie And Jayy" Dan said in a snotty tone.

" What!!" I screamed.

" you heard me! And don't raise your voice at me young lady." I glared at him.

" This isn't fair!" all you did was tell Jake he couldn't leave the house! But now I can't go on tour with my boyfriend! That is not even fair! Your such a pain in the ass dan!" I yelled at him.

" Well he told us you were coming on to him and forced him to have sex with him!" My mom yelled.I gaped at her.

" What no I didn't!" I yelled tears in my eyes.

" and why should I believe you?" My mom asked.

" Because I'm your daughter!" I said.

" : so?" she asked. What happened to my mom that always knew when I was lying or telling the turth! The one that was always there for me!!


" not another word."

" than how about three! I Hate you!" I screamed as I ran out the door. I ran as fast as I could ignoring my mom calls.

" I got her" I heard Jake Yell before I felt someone pull me to a halt.

" Please don't take me back Jake Please!" I pleaded with him. He stared into my teary eyes.

" Ofcourse I'm not!" He mumbled against my lips. I Let out a sob before pressing my lips to his. He gripped my hips pressing me closer. Our lips moved in sync with each other. I could feel him putting all of his love for me in the kiss.

 " Emily!" I heard A familer voice say. I pulled away looking at the direction the voice came from. My heart instantly dropped.

" Dahvie! Its no-" I tried to explain but he caught me off.

" I'm done Emily! I thought you loved me! If you loved me so much than why do you keep hurting me like this Emily! I'm sorry but I can't do this! were over! and I don't think we can be friends anymore." He said before turning and walking back down the side walk.

" Please Dahvie! Don't do this." I felt like me heart was being ripped from my chest. I ran towards him grabbing his arm.

" Please Dah-" He yanked his arm away from my grip.

" Emily what can't you get! I don't want to be with you! so go be a whore with Jake Like you been doing!" He yelled angrily.  But his eyes showed that he was lying. He did want to be with me as much as I wanted to be with him.

" Lair,lair penis on fire" I said He glared at me before turning around and walking away. I fell to my knees gripping my chest. I felt my heart was being ripped to shards put together than ripped up again and again. I let out a Blood chilling scream as the pain just became to bunch. Soon sobs started to rack through my body.

+(Dahvie's POV)+

When I walked into the apartment I couldn't help but break down. I dropped to my knees and started to sob.

" Whoa! what's wrong!" I heard Jayy ask. I looked up to see Jstar and Jayy looking down at me. 

" I broke up with Emmie cause I say her kissing Jake again!" I  let out another sob!!

" did you walk in on them or something?" JStar asked. I shook my hand.

" No they were parcticlly making out on the side walk!" I growled.

Why Emmie! why did you have to hurt me for!!


I was crying when I wrote this! pluss I was trying to turture BVB_BOTDF!!!!! mwahahahahahahahahahaahahahah

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