My Savior

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My heart was pounding, I didn't know what to do. Why wasn't Dahvie here yet? where is he?! I felt the man start to drag me away. My eyes widden, tears prickling in my eyes. No! I can't let him take me! I fought againist his hold, becoming desperate. 

"Quit moving, wench!" His voice hissed in my ear. Anger boiled inside of me. How dare he! I would rip his throat open if I could. I shook my head, clearing my head. Think Emily! What to do...what to do! I could bite him again...or maybe I should kick him in his baby maker! I giggled evilly in my mind. Without hesitation, I brought my heel hard against his groin. 

He let out a cry of pain, releasing me to grab his junk. I took that as my chance to flee. I ran as fast as I could. 

"Dahvie!" I screamed louder this time, before I was tackled to the ground. I grunted, my head aching.

'(Dahvie POV)~

I stared at the screen blankly, tuning everything out. I was about to fall a sleep, when I heard Emily's scream. I sat up, instantly alarmed. Emily! I quickly grabbed my lightsaber, running out of the tour bus. I looked around frantically, trying to find Emily. I was starting to worry when I didn't see her, but then I spotted her pinned to the ground. Anger aroused inside me. How dare he touch her! I let out a growl, charging towards them. I tackled the man holding Emily down.

  "Don't ever touch her." I growled, shoving my lightsaber in his chest. I watched as his eyes widen, filled with pain. I growled again, shoving my lightsaber deeper into his chest. He let out a cry of pain.

  "Dahvie, stop!" I faintly heard Emily through my anger. I couldn't help it. This guy had touched her! Had hurt her! I growled once more, getting off of him. I turned towards Emily, wrapping my arms around her shaking body. Sobs escaped her trembling lips. I held her closer, rubbing her back soothingly.

"Shhh, it'll be alright,Love." I cooned, trying to calm her down. My heart break with each of her sobs. I slid my arm around her knees, lifting her up. I growled once more at the man, before walking back towards the tour bus. 

I carefully walked through the door. Jeffree and Jayy quickly standing up at the slight of Emily. 

  "What the hell happened?!" Jayy asked, anger lacing his worried tone. I shook my head to anger to speak.

   "Someone tried to take her." I spat out the word's, as if they were posion. I genetly laid Emily on my bed, covering her up. She snored softly, her hair matted to her tear stained face. My heart ached at the slight. I creased her still wet cheek.

What would of happen if I hadn't made it there on time?! She would probaly be dead be now. I felt my stomach clenched in anger. I tried to clam myself, not wanting to go insane from anger. I took a deep breath, before sliding next to Emily. I pulled her in my arms, holding her tight. I quickly felt myself drifting away into a dream state.


I know this chapter is short, but i'm being rushed. >_< well enjoy!!

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