I'm sorry!

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+ a week later +

It"s has been one long suferring week since Dahvie has went on tour and broke up with me. But, Hey! It was my fault! I shouldn't of kissed Jake. I haven't even came out of my room. I just sat there and watched vidoes of them on tour. What broke my heart the most was the way Dahvie looked. He looked lifless and depressed, even when he was jumping up and down I could tell he wasn't feeling any better than me.

" Emmily! Please come out honey!" my mom pleaded. I just shook my head feeling the tears in my eyes. I turned my eyes back to the laptop. I clicked on the lastest video. i clicked play and begin to watch. I felt my heart ache when Dahvie walked on stage. even from where the camra was at I could see bags under his eyes.

" Hello my sexy fans!" Dahvie yelled into the mic the crowd started to scream.

" Well were going to start with one of our old songs! And this is dedicated to my ex who broke my heart!" Dahvie yelled again. They took their places. Dahvie started off singing 'Lovestruck'

"You are my everything,

You taught me how to sing.

You took a chance on me,

And now my heart has seen.

You have the golden key,

That simply sets me free.

You are my only hope,

The one I need the most...

You are my light and dark,

The ever-shining spark.

You are my other half,

You always make me laugh.

You are my dearest friend,

Forever 'till the end.

We're simply meant to be,

For it is plain to see"

" I'm falling,falling,falling,falling in love with you!" Jayy choursed in. what really broke my heart is that Dahvioe started to sing Jayy's part.

I can't see myself without you,

Even now that I've had a taste.

Every time I close my eyes,

I feel you lips,

I see your face.

I'm taking back,

Every hateful thing I've ever said about Love;

I realise I need it,

And maybe you're the one...

I only smile,

When I'm with you.

I've spent all day,

Missing you.

I'm LoveStruck,

In your head,

Every though,

Every breath.

You've turned this boy,

Into a man,

I'll promise I'll love you,

Like no one can,

Here we are,


My drink at you,

Now I'm your man.."

Jayy gave Dahvie a questioning look.

"I want to scream into this world,

That you are my one and only girl;

I'm falling full-fledged in-love with you,

Before I fall I fall in love with you..." than I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down crying.

" Dahvie I'm srry but u didn't hav to go sing that song to mak me feel worse!" I commented on the video. I shut off the computer. Than calming my self I got up and walked out of my room.

" Oh honey! are you okay? What ever you want I'll do it for you!" My mom said.

" Anything?" I asked

she nodded

" Than take me to the next warp tour consert which is  tomorrow in noblevilles,Indiana at the verizon wireless center." I  said simply.

" Okay than you better go to sleep so you will have a lot of energy."

" Oh and mom! Can I bring Jake?" I asked she smiled.

" Of course." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I skipped upstairs. Got on PJ"s than went to bed.

( Dahvie's POV)

" Why did you do that!" Jayy asked as we were driving to the nexted show. I looked up from the laptop.

" I don't know!" I admited running a hand through my hair. Jayy sighed before going back to talking to JStar. I looked at the comments of my lastest vidoes. Only one caught my eye.

" Dahvie i'm srry but you didn't hav to sing that song to make me feel worse!' I could tell it was form Emmie. I felt tears in my eyes. I looked at all the hate comments that were going towards her which made me made. so I replyed to ever person..." Leave her the fuck only!!! I still love her and seeing u guys say that stuff pisses me off!" I said as I posted the comment. I hope Emmie sees it!


I know its still sad but it will get better!!!

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