i'm so disappointed in you!!!

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  Me,Dahvie,Jayy,And Jeffree. Were all watching a movie while waiting for my mom.

" When is your mom going to get here." Jstar asked.  I was about to reply when the door opened.

" Emily Baby i'm back" My mom yelled. I jumped up running towards her. I hugged her tightly.

" I missed you" I said pulling back she smiled.

" I missed you too emmio" she said using my nick name she had for me since I was a Baby.

I watched as Dan truged through the door.I gave him a hug,too.

" Jayy , Dahvie!" My mom squealed giving them hugs.  Yep! My mom is in love with Dahvie,Jayy, and even JStar! awesome right?

"J Baby! how you been!" My mom squealed giving  him a hug too.

I looked at Dan to see him giving Dahvie,jayy,and Jstar disgusted looks. What is wrong with him! He used to love them!

 Jake walked through the door like nothing. He ignored his dad, but walked straight to my mom.

" Hey mom" He greeted her giving her a hug. She smiled with tears in her eyes. You see when Dan and my mom first got married two years ago Jake has hated my mom ever since. Well untill now.

I walked toward Dahvie warpping my arms around his waist. He pecked my cheek while gripping my hips. I grinned.

" What is this!" I heard Dan ask angrily. I looked at what he was talking about. He had a Used condom in his hand. What the hell?

'Where was that at?" My mom asked. Dan snapped his eyes to me.

" In Emily's room!" He growled.

" What! Why were you even in my room!" I yelled.

" Because I was putting your suitcase that we used in there!"

" Emmie, Who did you have sex with while we were gone?" My mom asked calmly.

" No one I swear"

" It was Dahvie wasn't it!" Dan growled. I glared at him.

" No it wasn't!"

" Than who." grrr he was getting on my nerve!

" Jake okay!" I finally admited. Dan and my mom froze.

" as in your brother Jake?" Dan asked. I gulped.

" Yes!" Damn he is annoying! I mean who else does he know named Jake?!

" Dahvie,Jayy,Jeffree I think you need to leave." My mom said calmly.

" No I'm staying here with Emily!" Dahvie said firmly.

" WE'll leave" Jayy said. Jstar nodded and they walked out.

" Now Emily you know that Jake is your brother, Now why did you have sex with him." I looked down.

" Cause I thought I loved him." I mumbled.

" and you think that is a good reason to have sex with your brother?" Dan asked.

" yes! well that is if he isn't your blood-brother"

" I'm very disappointed and tried. we'll talk about it in the morning" My mom said I nodded feeling tears in my  eyes. I have never seen my mom so disappointed in me.. ever! I gave Dahvie a good Night kiss than walked up to my room.

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