Quidditch World Cup

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When I got to the Lynch house, nobody asked any questions. I assumed that they had already gotten the letter. Aidan grabbed my trunk and carried it into the guest room that I always stayed in while I was here. It was right in between Aidan and Emily's rooms.

Because Aidan had to leave tomorrow for the game, we camped out in his room and watched movies. We ate a bunch of ice cream and junk food. It did make me feel a bit better. They were both cuddling with me. It probably would sound weird if I told someone, but it was comforting to know that someone was still there for me. 

A week after Aidan left, it was time to go to the game. Each team member gets a special game box and tent for their family and friends. Emily had invited me earlier, but I didn't want to ditch the Weasleys and make them feel bad. Now, I didn't care anymore. We were allowed to Side-Apparate with someone that was of age, so that's what we did. I went with Sarah, Emily's mom, and Emily went with her dad, Sam.

After the dizzy feeling of Apparition went away, I looked around. It looked like an Irish invasion! All of the tents had shamrocks on them along with the Irish flag. Our tent was huge. The furniture was green, gold, and white. There were two bedrooms. One had a king sized bed. The other one had bunk beds and a queen sized bed. There was also a kitchen, living room, and two large bathrooms. It was super cool.

Emily and I walked outside to see Jake and Noah Ryan, fourteen-year-old twin brothers, by the tent next to us.

"Ladies, it's nice to see you two again. Would you care for a drink?" Noah asked as he hugged us. Jake handed us two cups full of green liquid.

"Did you spike these?" Emily joked.

"Dang it. They caught us," Jake said sarcastically. "They're virgin piña coladas that are colored green," he explained. I nodded and took a sip of it. It was actually quite good. Noah wrapped his arm around me and told us a joke. Emily and I started laughing. I leaned onto Noah's chest for support. I saw Fred and George walking by. George didn't show any emotion. Fred looked shocked and upset. I didn't know why he was like that, but I didn't care. Why should I? They don't care about me.

We sat and ate lunch together. Jake and Noah's mom made us burgers and chips. As the afternoon went on, the excitement rose. Salesmen were Apperating every few feet, carrying trays and pushing carts full of extraordinary merchandise. I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione at one of them. I gave them a small smile and waved. They all smiled back at me. I didn't get anything from the carts, because Aidan already got us what we wanted.

"So, will we see you beautiful ladies later?" Jake asked. Emily blushed, giggled, and nodded. They both hugged us and walked to their box as we walked to ours. The stadium was huge! They had signs that were flashing everywhere with different advertisements.

"Are you excited?" Emily's mom asked once we made it to the viewing box.

"Of course!" Emily shouted.

Suddenly, a voice filled the stadium. "Ladies and gentleman... Welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!"

The crowd roared with excitement. The advertising signs changed to the score board:

Bulgaria: 0

Ireland: 0

The voice then announced the mascots. The Bulgarians brought Veela which put most of the men in a trance. The Irish brought leprechauns that threw fool's gold into the crowd. Mr. Lynch told me that I could take some, but it would disappear in a few days.

The announcer then introduced the Bulgarian team. After that, he announced the Irish team, and Emily and I cheered loudly. They flew past us and I saw Aidan give us a smile. I pretended to fake faint into Emily's arms which made her and her parents laugh loudly.

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