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The next few days flew by fast. There was a lot of trouble at the Ministry because of the problems at the World Cup. Aidan took Emily and me to Diagon Alley for school stuff, because Sarah and Sam were busy. The night before we had to go to Hogwarts, Aidan told us about the Triwizard Tournament and how we would be hosting it. He told us that we couldn't say anything, because we weren't supposed to find out yet, but he couldn't resist telling us.

The next morning, we all crawled into breakfast. We literally had a crawling race. I won, just saying. After we ate, Emily's mom and Aidan drove us to the platform to leave. Emily hugged both of them and left to find Mikayla and a compartment.

After Emily was out of sight, Aidan crouched down to my level. "If anybody tries to hurt you or do something bad because they found out who you are, you write me a letter and I'll get you out of there for a little bit, okay?" Emily's family was the only other people that know what truly happened. I nodded. I already knew that bad stuff was going to happen. I had this gut feeling. I wanted everything to be normal, but with my life, I knew it would never happen. "Be safe and don't get into any fights or anything. Leave the bullies to me to beat up," Aidan said, flexing. He was trying to make it look funny, but he was really strong, so I couldn't even laugh at him. He hugged me quickly and helped me get my stuff on the train. After that, Sarah and Aidan Disapparated. I finally found Mikayla and Emily in an empty compartment after looking through a dozen of them. As soon as I got in there, Emily told me that she filled Mikayla in on everything that had been happening. I sat next to Emily and watched them try to think of things to distract me. I ended up reading a book.

Once we were close to getting to the station, we changed into our robes. It was a pretty boring train ride, but I liked having the company as Emily and Mikayla played Exploding Snap. Once we stopped, we made it to the carriages and rode to Hogwarts. The carriage was just Emily, Mikayla, Neville, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and me. Harry had his arm around me the entire time, trying to comfort me. I just leaned on his shoulder and stared at the carriage in front of us that had Fred, George, Lee Jordan, Ginny, Scarlet, and lastly Julie, my worst enemy. I felt a pang of jealousy as they all laughed at one of the twins' jokes. That would have been me if I hadn't told them who I really was.

After many twists and turns, I could see us getting closer to the castle. We made it to the oak doors and all walked in together. We sat in a small group together in the middle of the table. I was thankful that Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat by me, so I didn't feel so lonely. They were really the only people that kind of knew what I was going through and I was really going to need them to get through everything.

The Great Hall was decorated as it always was. Golden plates and goblets gleamed by the lights of hundreds and hundreds of candles, floating over the tables in midair. The four long House tables were packed with a bunch of talking students; at the top of the Hall, the staff sat along one side of a fifth table, facing all of us. Everyone seemed to be starving and not looking forward to the sorting. The doors of the Great Hall soon opened and silence fell over the room. The first years were soaked to the bone from the rain. It looked like they had swam across the lake instead of riding in a boat. The hat stood on a three legged stool, waiting for dramatic effect. Then a long tear near the brim of the hat opened wide like a mouth, and it broke into song.

After the song was done, everyone in the Great Hall started clapping. I zoned out of the sorting, thinking about the upcoming tournament. The feast was boring. I didn't eat much. I didn't really feel like it. After everyone was done eating, Dumbledore went into his normal announcements. Then, he introduced some short bald guy that started talking about the Triwizard Tournament. Mad-Eye Moody was appointed the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher which kind of scared me. I had heard stories about him. They weren't good. He did have practice though which made it alright.

We were dismissed and I made my way up the staircase with Mikayla because Fred and George were talking to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Mikayla said the password, because I didn't know what it was. Right away, I got into pajamas and crawled into bed. I could already tell this was going to be a long year.

I walked down the Great Hall to get my schedule. Today I had Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

In Transfiguration, all we did was listen to Professor McGonagall explain what we were going to do this year. In Potions, Snape gave a very long and boring lecture about different potions we would be making. I zoned out after the first minute mainly because I didn't care.

When I got down to the Great Hall, there were already people queuing up for lunch. I was waiting with Neville who still knew nothing about what had happened with me and my father. Not a moment after Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined us in line, Malfoy came strutting up looking like he was still the leader of the school, not that he ever was.

Malfoy started taunting about a newspaper article about Ron's father. It was written by Rita Skeeter, so none of it was actually true. She made the article just to put even more disgrace to their name. I put my hand on Ron's shoulder to stop him from lunging at Malfoy after he made another insult. A few people were glancing me way, expecting me to make an attack and beat him up.

"And there's a picture, Weasley!" Draco said, flipping through the pages and holding it up. "A picture of your parents outside their house--if you can call it a house! Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight, couldn't she?"

Ron was shaking with fury. "Go to hell, Malfoy," I told him. I didn't want a fight to be caused over this.

Draco directed his attention to Harry. "Oh, yeah, you were staying with them this summer, weren't you, Potter?"

"You know your mother, Malfoy?" said Harry. "That expression she's got, like she's got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?"

Malfoy's cheeks turned pink. "Don't you dare insult my mother, Potter."

"Keep your fat mouth shut, then," said Harry, turning away. Before I knew what was happening, Malfoy had pulled out his wand and shot a spell at Harry's back that missed him by mere centimeters.

Several people screamed around me. Moody was nearby and ended up turning Malfoy into a white ferret, but McGonagall saw him do it and changed Draco back, unfortunately.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was up next.

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