The Wedding

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A/N: Emily, Mikayla, and Maddi's bridesmaids dresses and hairstyles are on the side.


We woke up early the next morning to work on our hair and make-up. I ended up just using magic, so I could finish packing. I looked so girly with my hair up in a fancy bun. I had silver and purple smoky eyeshadow, a nude lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara on. I didn't exactly like my look, but Emily and Mikayla were ecstatic about me actually wearing make-up. I could hear girls thudding down the stairs. There weren't a lot of people going home, because the Yule Ball was tomorrow. All kids 4th year and up were automatically invited. If you were any younger, you had to be invited by someone who was already invited. I didn't care so much about the dance. The wedding would be just like it.

The small crowd of students in the Common Room started climbing out of the portrait hole with their bags in tow. I was the last one out of the room.

We trudged all of the way to the train where we decided to take a nap. I couldn't wait for the wedding, but I didn't want to end up falling asleep during the ceremony.

By the time we made it to the station, we were completely dressed for the occasion. Emily was the Maid of Honor, and Mikayla and I were bridesmaids. Even though I didn't want to, we were forced to wear silver heels. It was a total pain.

Emily's dad picked us up, already in his suit. We made it to the venue three hours before the reception was to start. They were having it in a church. Taylor wanted to have a more traditional wedding, so her muggle friends and family could come. Taylor was getting ready in a room on my right, and Aidan was getting ready in a room on my left.

I decided that I should talk to Aidan before the wedding. I opened the door to the room to see him pacing back and forth.

"Nervous?" I asked, shutting the door behind me. We were the only two people in there.

"I'm not so sure if I should do this. Maybe I should just back out now." Aidan sighed, trying to tie his bowtie while staring into a mirror.

"Dude, why are you so nervous? It's just like any other day with Taylor, but you're professing your love for her and basically tying yourself down to one girl for the rest of you life. I mean, if that's what you wanna do go ahead, but I'm totally available if you wanna ditch Taylor." I winked as I tied his bowtie for him. I could hear him chuckling. I finished tying it and took a step back, checking to see if he looked okay.

A part of me was really excited for Aidan and Taylor, but there was a small part of me that was sad. Aidan and I had grown very close and I knew once he was married, he wasn't going to spend as much time with Emily and me. They were like the siblings I never had, but I could joke about dating and stuff without it being completely awkward.

There was a knock at the door. Two guys came in. One of them was Alex Troy, Aidan's best friend and fellow Quidditch player for the Ireland team. I had never seen the other guy before. He looked to be about 15 or so. He had brown eyes and dark brown hair that was spiked up in the front. He was only a few inches taller than me. He almost reminded me of Taylor.

"Hi, I'm Kellen Jones, one of Taylor'a brothers." The boy said, walking to me with his arm outstretched. I shook his hand and smiled.

"I'm Maddi. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, I know who you are. I've seen you around Hogwarts a few times, but I've never raked up the courage to talk to such a beautiful, young lady." He said, grabbing my hand and kissing it. I blushed a deep crimson as I looked over to Aidan and Alex, wondering what to do. They were trying to contain their laughter while Kellen continued to compliment me. It was flattering, but nobody had done it before, so it was quite awkward.

"You and Kellen are going to walk down with each other. I think you guys are going to get along REAL well," Aidan told me while winking. Kellen was smiling, and I blushed again. I feel like Aidan and Taylor did this on purpose to set us up.

Instead of listening to whatever Alex and Aidan had to say, I sat down on a chair that was by the window in the room. I soon saw Kellen come and join me.

"Those guys are pretty boring, aren't they?" Kellen asked with a smile. I nodded in agreement.

"Do you go to Hogwarts, then?" I asked, referring to him saying that he had seen me around a lot.

"No, actually I'm from Durmstrang, but I was lucky enough to get to come and see what Hogwarts was all about for the tournament." He responded.

We then ended up asking each other a ton of questions. I found out that he was 15 years old, he had a white husky named Joey, he could play the guitar and piano, his favorite color was purple, he liked doing romantic things for girls, and his favorite food was pizza.

By the time we ran out of questions, the guests had started to arrive and we were supposed to line up to enter. Emily gave me a nervous smile when I glanced back at her. She was walking in with Alex Troy. Mikayla was with a guy I had never seen before. There was also another couple that Emily must've known, because they kept talking to her.

All too soon. I could hear the music start to play. Before I knew it, Mikayla and the guy with her had disappeared. The couple in front of us were gone in an instant as well. I sighed, grabbed my bouquet of white lilies, and grabbed Kellen's arm.

The church was crowded with unfamiliar faces. I smiled as I walked forward, trying hard not to trip in the heels I was wearing.

I could tell that Emily and Alex had entered, because people were glancing behind me.

We made it to the end of the isle where Kellen and I parted ways. I lined up in front of Mikayla and the other girl on the left side while Kellen was on the right side. Aidan was standing at the front, looking anxious to see Taylor. Emily soon joined the line, standing in front of me. The music changed as everyone stood up and turned to catch a glimpse of Taylor. Her father was standing next to her, looking very proud. They started to walk down the aisle to the beat of the music.

She looked so beautiful. She had a long, white, poofy dress that went all the way down to the floor. It had diamonds on the chest area, and see-through ruffles at the base. It was simple but elegant. I looked at Aidan to see him wearing a goofy grin and staring at Taylor.

When it got to the point where Taylor's dad had to hand her off to Aidan, Taylor's dad was crying. It was very sentimental.


Before I knew it, Aidan and Taylor were trading vows. Taylor's little four year old brother stumbled up with the rings. Once the rings were on each other's fingers, they kissed, sealing the deal. Both Aidan and Taylor's parents were crying. Emily looked like she was about to cry, but she didn't.

We were having supper and the dance in a different building. Everyone that was in the wedding got to ride in this huge party bus. It had different alcoholic drinks, but I wasn't old enough to drink anything. It was pretty boring otherwise. I talked to Emily for most of the ride, considering Aidan and Taylor were snogging for the first time as a married couple. It was gross. I knew that once we started dancing that Taylor and Aidan were going to do everything they could to get Kellen and me to dance together. You could tell by the glint in Aidan'a eyes that he was up to something.

After about twenty minutes later, we were at the restaurant that had been closed just for the wedding. We had the option of fish, chicken, or turkey for meat along with other dishes that the chefs made. I hated fish, so I just had chicken.

The wedding party had to sit at this tall table at the front of the room. Every minute, someone would clink their glass which meant that the bride and groom would have to kiss. After what seemed like the fiftieth time, Aidan decided to make things more interesting. He told the crowd that he would pick someone random from the guest book and they would have to kiss the person closest to them of the opposite sex. Those people would choose a certain way that they would like to kiss and Aidan and Taylor would have to mirror that. The first guy that was chosen did a handstand to kiss the girl that was lying on the floor. Aidan did the same with Taylor. I just had a feeling that this wasn't going to end well. Mikayla was on my right and Kellen was on my left. Emily was sitting next to Mikayla and Taylor and the guy that I didn't know was sitting next to Kellen. I just hoped nobody from the wedding party got chosen, because that would become very awkward for anyone that got chosen, namely me considering I had two chances.

The glasses started chiming again and I groaned. I just wanted to eat my food. I looked over at Aidan to see him smirking.

"Kellen Jones."


A/N: I know it's short and choppy. I'm sorry. These last few weeks have been busy. I've been at camp which was totally fun!!

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I love you all. Thanks for reading!!



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